Actes: Recueil des actes de Philippe Auguste, i and ii, ed. H.-F. Delaborde, C. Petit-Dutaillis and J. Monicat (Paris, 1916–43)
Ambroise: Ambroise, L’Estoire de la guerre Sainte, ed. G. Paris (Paris, 1897), cited by line number to facilitate reference to the forthcoming translation by Marianne Ailes as well as to that by M. J. Hubert and J. La Monte, The Crusade of Richard Lionheart (New York, 1941)
Annales angevines: Recueil d’Annales angevines, ed. L. Halphen (Paris, 1903)
ANS: Anglo-Norman Studies
Ansbert: Historia de Expeditione Friderici, ed. A. Chroust, (MGH SRG, 1929)
Baha al-Din: Beha ed-Din, What Befell Sultan Yusuf, trans. C. W. Wilson (Palestine Pilgrims Text Society, xiii, London, 1897).
BIHR: Bulletin of the Institute of Historical Research
Born: The Poems of the Troubadour Bertran de Born, ed. W. D. Paden, Jr, T. Sankovitch and P. H. Stäblein (Berkeley, 1986)
Boussard: J. Boussard, Le Gouvernement d’Henri II Plantagenêt (Paris, 1965)
CCM: Cahiers de civilisation mediévale
Chron.: Roger of Howden, Chronica, ed. W. Stubbs (4 vols, RS, 1868–87).
Chron. Maj.: Matthew Paris, Chronica Majora, ed. H. R. Luard (7 vols, RS, 1872–84). This contains within it a useful edition of Roger of Wendover’s Flores Historiarum
Coggeshall: Radulphi de Coggeshall Chronicon Anglicanum, ed. J. Stevenson (RS, 1875)
DA: Deutsches Archiv
Devize: The Chronicle of Richard of Devizes, ed. and trans. J. T. Appleby (London, 1963)
Diceto: Radulfi de Diceto Decani Londiniensis Opera Historica, ed. W. Stubbs (2 vols, RS, 1876)
Edbury: P. W. Edbury, The Conquest of Jerusalem and the Third Crusade. Sources in Translation (Aldershot, 1996)
EHR: English Historical Review
Foedera: Foedera, conventiones, litterae, i, part 1, ed. T. Rymer, A. Clarke, F. Holbrooke and J. Caley (London, 1816)
Gabrieli: F. Gabrieli, Arab Historians of the Crusades (London, 1969)
Gerald, Opera: Giraldi Cambrensis Opera ed. J. S. Brewer, J. F. Dimock and G. F. Warner (8 vols, RS, 1861–91).Separate works are cited as follows. Figures in parentheses refer to Rolls Series volume number.
Gerald, Descrip.: Descriptio Kambriae (6)
Gerald, Expug. Hib.: Expugnatio Hibernica. The Conquest of Ireland, by Giraldi Cambrensis, ed. and trans. A. B. Scott and F. X. Martin (Dublin, 1978)
Gerald, Princ.: De Principis Instructione (8)
Gerald, Top.: Topographia Hibernica (5)
Gervase: The Historical Works of Gervase of Canterbury, ed. W. Stubbs (2 vols, RS, 1879–80)
Gesta: Roger of Howden, Gesta Henrici II et Richardi I, ed. W. Stubbs, (2 vols, RS, 1867)
Gillingham, Coeur de Lion: J. Gillingham, Richard Coeur de Lion. Kingship, Chivalry and War in the Twelfth Century (London, 1994)
HGM: Histoire de Guillaume le Maréchal, ed. P. Meyer (3 vols, Paris , 1891–1901). Cited by line number.
HSJ: Haskins Society Journal
Ibn al-Athir: Ibn al-Athir, el-Kamil, in Recueil des historiens des croisades: historiens orientaux, ii, part 1 (Paris, 1887)
Imad al-Din: Imad al-Din, Conquête de la Syrie et de la Palestine par Saladin, trans. H. Massé (Paris, 1972)
Itin.: Itinerarium peregrinorum et Gesta Regis Ricardi in Chronicles and Memorials of the Reign of Richard I, i, ed. W. Stubbs (RS, 1864). Cited by book and chapter to facilitate use of the translation by Helen Nicholson, Chronicle of the Third Crusade (Ashgate, 1997) as well as to the edition of the Itinerarium Peregrinorum itself, ed. H. E. Mayer, Das Itinerarium Peregrinorum (Stuttgart, 1962)
JMH: Journal of Medieval History
Kessler: U. Kessler, Richard I. Löwenherz. König, Kreuzritter, Abenteurer (Graz, 1995)
Landon: The Itinerary of King Richard I, ed. L. Landon (Pipe Roll Society, London, 1935)
Lyons and Jackson: M. C. Lyons and D. E. P. Jackson, Saladin: The Politics of the Holy War (Cambridge, 1982)
Magna Vita: Adam of Eynsham, Magna Vita Sancti Hugonis, ed. D. L. Douie and H. Farmer (2 vols, Edinburgh, 1962)
Map: Walter Map, De Nugis Curialium. Courtiers’ Trifles, ed. and trans. M. R. James, C. N. L. Brooke and R. A. B. Mynors (OMT, Oxford, 1983)
MGH SRG: Monumenta Germaniae Historica, Scriptores rerum Germanicarum in usum scholarum
MGH SS: Monumenta Germaniae Historica. Scriptores
MRSN: Magni Rotuli Scaccarii Normanniae, ed. T. Stapleton (2 vols, London, 1840–4)
Nelson, Coeur de Lion: J. L. Nelson, Richard Coeur de Lion in History and Myth (London, 1992)
Newburgh: William of Newburgh, Historia Rerum Anglicarum, ed. R. Howlett, in Chronicles of the Reigns of Stephen, Henry II and Richard I, i and ii (RS, 1884). Cited by book and chapter to facilitate reference to History of William of Newburgh, trans. J. Stevenson, 1856 (repr. Felinfach, 1996)
Norgate: K. Norgate, Richard the Lionheart (London, 1924)
OMT: Oxford Medieval Texts
Philippidos: William the Breton, Philippidos, in Oeuvres de Rigord et de Guillaume le Breton, ed. H. F. Delaborde, ii (Paris, 1885)
Powicke: F. M. Powicke, The Loss of Normandy 2nd edn (Manchester, 1961)
PR: Pipe Roll
Prestwich: J. O. Prestwich, ‘Richard Coeur de Lion: rex bellicosus’, in Riccardo Cuor di Leone nella storia e nella leggenda (Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei, Problemi attuali di scienza e di cultura, ccliii, Rome, 1981); repr. in Richard Coeur de Lion in History and Myth, ed. J. L. Nelson (London, 1992)
RHF: Recueil des historiens des Gaules et de la France
Rigord:Rigord, Gesta Philippi Augusti in Oeuvres de Rigord et de Guillaume le Breton, ed. H. F. Delaborde, i (Paris, 1882)
RS: Rolls Series
Selected Letters: Selected letters of Pope Innocent III concerning England, ed. C. R. Cheney and W. H. Semple (London, 1953)
Sicard: Sicard of Cremona in Salimbene de Adam, Cronica, ed. G. Scalia (Bari, 1966)
Sig. Cont.: Sigeberti Continuatio Aquicincta, MGH SS, vi (written by Andreas of Marchiennes)
Torigny: The Chronicle of Robert of Torigni in Chronicles of the Reigns of Stephen, Henry II and Richard I, ed. R. Howlett, iv (RS, 1889)
Vigeois: ‘Chronica’, in Novae Bibliothecae Manuscriptorum Librorum, ed. P. Labbe (2 vols, Paris, 1657), ii, 279–329. Since there is a better edition of Book 1 of Geoffrey in an unpublished thesis, P. Botineau, ‘La Chronique de Geoffroi de Breuil, prieur de Vigeois’(Paris, 1964) and a more accessible one of Book 2 in RHF, xviii, 211–23, I have cited this chronicle by the common numbering of book and chapter.
Warren: W. L. Warren, Henry II (London, 1973)
WB: William the Breton, Gesta Philippi Augusti in Oeuvres de Rigord et de Guillaume le Breton, ed. H. F. Delaborde, i (Paris, 1882)