Flask Framework Cookbook

Organization of static files

Organizing static files such as JavaScript, stylesheets, images, and so on efficiently is always a matter of concern for all web frameworks.

How to do it…

Flask recommends a specific way to organize static files in our application:

    - app.py
    - config.py
    - __init__.py
    - static/
       - css/
        - js/
        - images/
            - logo.png

While rendering them in templates (say, the logo.png file), we can refer to the static files using the following line of code:

<img src='/static/images/logo.png'>

How it works…

If there exists a folder named static at the application's root level, that is, at the same level as app.py, then Flask will automatically read the contents of the folder without any extra configuration.

There's more…

Alternatively, we can provide a parameter named static_folder to the application object while defining the application in app.py:

app = Flask(__name__, static_folder='/path/to/static/folder')

In the img src path in the How to do it… section, static refers to the value of static_url_path on the application object. This can be modified as follows:

app = Flask(
    __name__, static_url_path='/differentstatic',

Now, to render the static file, we will use the following:

<img src='/differentstatic/logo.png'>


It is always a good practice to use url_for to create the URLs for static files rather than explicitly define them:

<img src='{{ url_for('static', filename="logo.png") }}'>

We will see more of this in the upcoming chapters.