Open source
.NET Core and ASP.NET Core are completely open source. .NET Core is a part of the .NET Foundation that can be found on GitHub at https://github.com/dotnet, and is open to contributions.
Its main repositories are as follows:
- coreclr: This is the cross-platform Common Language Runtime (CLR). It is the virtual machine that runs every .NET-based application.
- corefx: This repository contains the Base Class Library (BCL) and the Framework Class Library (FCL).
ASP.NET Core has its own repositories on GitHub at https://github.com/aspnet. It is also open for contributions from the community.
Its main repositories are as follows:
- MVC: The ASP.NET MVC source code
- EntityFrameworkCore: The Entity Framework Core project source code
- DependencyInjection: ASP.NET Core dependency injection infrastructure implementation
If you're interested in reading the source code or contributing to the development efforts, visit these GitHub pages to learn how.