With China entering a new era, the main contradiction of society has been transformed into the contradiction between the growing demand for better life and the unbalanced development of the people.While the problems of uneven and inadequate development in China's regional development are extremely prominent.Therefore,the Central Committee has proposed to carry out the new development concept, build a modern economic system and implement the strategy of regional coordinated development.So, how to implement the strategy of regional coordinated development? What is the breakthrough of this strategy? In recent years, as a result of its significant role in regional development,the new economic form of the airport economy has attracted wide attention from all walks of life.China's governments at all levels have also attached importance to the airport economy. Many airport economic zones have been set up based on the Regional Airport plan, trying to cultivate the airport economy into a new growth point of regional development and play a greater role.Under the background of the Chinese government vigorously implementing the regional coordinated development strategy in the new era, what effect will the airport economy have on the coordinated development of China's region? What are the mechanism of action and the path of conduction? Can the airport economy be an effective guide for the coordinated development of China's region? To explore these issues is of great significance to enrich the theory system of airport economy and regional coordinated development, as well as to guide China's airport economic develop ment to a more scientific and rational direction.It is also of great value to promote the benign operation of the airport economy and to achieve the strategic goals of regional coordinated development.
The airport economy is a new economic form formed by the rapid development of the air transportation industry and the gathering of various production factors such as people, wealth, goods, information, technology and so on.Airport economy is regarded as the“fifth shock wave”that drives regional development. It has the characteristics of high technology content,significant externality, fast timeliness and industrial clustering.It can achieve the multi-dimensional strategic goals of China's regional coordinated development through the effect of“market effect, spacial spillover effect and reconfiguration effect”.
Firstly, the airport economy can promote the coordinated development of the region through the effect of market expansion and the effect of market integration.The development of airport economy can expand the regional market size to affect the coordinated development of the region by promoting the formation of regional“center-periphery”structure and the benign interaction, promoting regional economic sustainable diffusion, stimulating regional export growth,deepening the regional division of labor,improving the regional labor productivity,promoting the formation of a new pattern of allround, opening of regional mechanisms.Airport economy can promote the regional market integration to affect the coordinated development of the region by strengthening inter regional interaction and promoting inter regional barriers to eliminate,providing support for the comparative advantages of all regions, guiding the rational flow of elements and enhance the efficiency of factor utilization, so that all regions can be developed in an intensive way to promote harmony between man and nature.Through the construction of“market gravity model”to analyze the market effect of airport economy,this study finds that the airport economy can really through the air transportation network to each region together, expanding the market scale, promote the flow of regional personnel,goods,and strengthen the contact interaction be tween regions, and by shortening the regional economic distance as well as by affecting regional industrial structure, population, and economic scale to promote the market gravity and market integration level between regions.But the market effect of airport economy has a certain distance adaptability and is more significant for the remote market and the inconvenient traffic area.The market-oriented reform of civil aviation is an important driving force for the effective implementation of the market effect of the airport economy. At the present stage, promoting the marketization reform of the price and charging mechanism of the civil aviation market is an important means to promote the market effect of the airport economy.
Secondly, the airport economy can promote the coordinated development of the region through the continuous spatial spillover effect and the discrete spatial spillover effect.For the continuous area, airport economy will influence regional coordinated development by promoting regional employment, promoting investment and giving play to multiplier effect, reducing operation cost,promoting growth pole formation,enhancing regional competitiveness, optimizing regional development environment and upgrading industrial structure.For discrete regions, airport economy will affect regional coordinated development by promoting free flow of production factors, imitation learning, reducing trade costs, strengthening interoperability between special areas and promoting technology diffusion.This study makes an empirical analysis of spatial spillover effects on the airport economy through the innovation and transformation of the spatial weight and the construction of the spatial panel measurement model.It is found that the continuous spatial spillover effect and the discrete spatial spillover effect have a positive effect on the regional development.In the total spatial spillover effect of the airport economy, the contribution of the discrete spatial spillover effect is as high as 1/3.Considering the discrete spatial spillover effect of the airport economy, the continuous spatial spillover effect will be reduced, but the total effect (the sum of the discrete spatial spillover effect and the continuous spatial spillover effect)will be enhanced. Therefore, if we do not consider the dis crete spillover effect of airport economy, we will overestimate the impact of airport economy on the continuous regional economic growth, and underestimate the total impact of airport economy. The spillover effect of airport economy will continue to strengthen with the improvement of air transportation network. We need to pay special attention to the improvement and accessibility of aviation network,and enhance the optimization and management efficiency of air transportation network.
Finally, the airport economy can promote the coordinated development of the region through the effect of space reconstruction and the effect of industry and technology reconfiguration. Airport economy can promote the construction of high-end airport industry system(core industry,air related industries, airport induced industries), leading traditional industries upgrading, upgrading the temporal and spatial value of regional industries, and promoting technology absorption and diffusion. It can provide a new strategic channel for the two-way opening of the regional industry. Airport economy can promote the realization of the concept of“air Silk Road”, promote the implementation of China's regional space development strategy,promote the formation of new regional economic growth pole,optimize the existing spatial structure and urban agglomeration spatial system, and promote the leaping development of underdeveloped areas.This paper makes an empirical analysis on the effect of the airport economic space reconstruction by using the cartography technology.We found that the airport economy significantly reconstructed the regional spatial structure of China, but there was a significant difference in the reconstruction effect of different regions.The effect of space reconstruction on airport economy in central and eastern China is obviously greater than that in the west and the northeast.This study uses the Granger causality test and the general panel regression model to make an empirical analysis on the effect of the industrial reconstruction of the airport economy.It is found that the airport economy is an important reason that influences the upgrading of China's regional industrial structure. It has a significant positive role in promoting the upgrading of China's regional industrial structure, but it has no significant impact on the rationalization of China's regional industrial structure.
In the new era,China's regional coordinated development is richer and more varied. The theoretical analysis and empirical analysis of the three main categories and six sub effects of airport economy have effectively verified the theoretical prediction of“airport economy can promote the coordinated development of China's region”.Therefore, China should clarify the strategic position of the airport economy at the national level, strengthen the central government's policy support,and promote the local public resources to tilt towards the airport economic zone.The local governments should improve their importance to the airport economy,adapt themselves actively and moderately ahead of time, and promote the economic effects on the ground by local conditions.We should constantly improve the market base of the economic effect and strengthen the construction of a comprehensive transportation system dominated by air transport.We should break administrative barriers, eliminate market segmentation between regions, promote free flow of elements and deepen the reform of civil aviation market in an all-round way.The central government should coordinate the layout of the economic zone, promote the“air coordination”in the Beijing Tianjin Hebei region, and give more support to the development of the central and western regions.The government should optimize the development system of the airport economy and open to the outside world, promote the construction of the modern industrial system and explore the construction of airport free trade port, drive“airport,industry,airport city and region”to achieve integrated development.
Key Words:airport economy;regional coordinated development;market effect; spacial spillover effect; reconfiguration effect