Dearest Daddy-Long-Legs,
I have some awful, awful, awful news to tell you, but I won't begin with it;I'll try to get you in a good humour first.
Jerusha Abbott has commenced to be an author. A poem entitled, From my Tower, appears in the February Monthly-on the first page, which is a very great honour for a Freshman.My English instructor stopped me on the way out from chapel last night, and said it was a charming piece of work except for the sixth line, which had too many feet.I will send you a copy in case you care to read it.
Let me see if I can't think of something else pleasant-Oh, yes!I'm learning to skate, and can glide about quite respectably all by myself. Also I've learned how to slide down a rope from the roof of the gymnasium, and I can vault a bar three feet and six inches high-I hope shortly to pull up to four feet.
Now for the news-courage, Judy!-you must tell.
Are you SURELY in a good humour?I failed in mathematics and Latin prose. I am tutoring in them, and will take another examination next month.I'm sorry if you're disappointed, but otherwise I don't care a bit because I've learned such a lot of things not mentioned in the catalogue.I've read seventeen novels and bushels of poetry.
Will you forgive me this once if I promise never to fail again?
Yours in sackcloth,