关键词:德行 五行 子思 圣智
Guodian Chu bamboo slips Wuxing as Zi Si‘s work stress the immanence of De by distinguishing between Action of Virtue and Action,and emphasize the fundamental role of the beginning of inner consciousness for realization of virtue by carefully describing the psychological process and the externalization of virtue.These lay the cornerstone for Mencius to rise the doctrine of good nature and four beginnings.Wuxing make a difference between Good and Virtue,containing the dimension of transcendence,also prepare the foundation for the development of Zhongyong.Wuxing pay attention to the concept of Sheng and Zhi but not make light of the importance of Ren and Yi.The theory of Sheng and Zhi in Wuxing has its own clear political direction,by emphasizing respecting worthy person,is in accordance with Zi Si’s political practice and his political position.本文认为,《帛书五行》篇说部提出德气论以便于说明德行从发端到完成是一内外连续的动力过程。说部强调见而知之和闻而知之必须体现在表情上的尊贤,同时必须达到超越直接见闻的、对事物更深更高的认识。在经文中,天道的问题完全不突出,而在说文中,“天道”成为很突出的观念。说文重视天道观更过于德行论。本文特别指出,说文的“慎其独”就是顺其心,即舍去其它的知觉所好而专顺一心。“舍夫五”就是“舍其体”,舍体就是不让身体五官的作用影响心;“慎其心”与“独其心”一致,独其心即独从其心之所命、独从其心之所好。也就是使心独自地、不受身体五官影响地发挥其功能。慎独舍体的功夫是以“内—外”关系为焦点,以求内不求外为导向的。帛本总的倾向,是突出仁义说在全篇的优先地位,以此取代或覆盖圣智说在竹简本中地位。最后,本文举出大量例证,以呈现出《五行》说文和孟子思想的的相通相合,文语的相似相近,以呈现出说部和孟子的密切关联。
关键词:五行 孟子 德气 仁义
The Mawangdui Silk Manuscript Wuxing Pian has two part,Canon and Commentary.The Commentary advance a theory of De-Qi(virtue-vital energy)in order to explain that moral conduct is a continuous dynamic process from beginning to the end.The Commentary stress “to know upon seeing”and “to know upon hearing”should arrive a kind of deeper and higher understanding which transcend seeing and hearing.In the Commentary “Shendu”means to abide his mind,namely to abandon feelings and singularly obey his mind.The general tendency of the Commentary is to lay stress on the apriority of humaneness and righteousness.In the last part the author enumerate many cases to show the close relation between the Commentary and Mencius.
Keyword:Wuxing Mencius Virtue-vital energy humaneness and righteousness
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