4 Construction Quality Acceptance
4.1 Provisions for Construction Quality Acceptance
4.1.1 Construction quality of the water treatment,hydrogen generation equipment and system of the thermal power project shall make inspection,acceptance and obtain the acceptance visa according to the provisions of this part.
4.1.2 For inspection and acceptance of the project construction quality,the construction contractor shall prepare the construction quality acceptance scope division table according to the provisions of Chapter 4 of this part based on the work scope undertaken by it,and it will be implemented after it is examined by the supervisor,confirmed by the Owner and signed and stamped by the three parties of the construction contractor,supervisor and Owner.
4.1.3 The inspection items listed in the“Construction quality acceptance scope division table”in Chapter 4 not in conformity with the project actual inspection items may be added or deleted.The project No.of the added or deleted inspection items in the quality acceptance scope division table may be continued,or lacked,but the original No.cannot be changed.
4.1.4 Project quality shall be accepted by the acceptance organization specified in the“Construction quality acceptance scope division table”.Acceptance of the inspection batch,subitem project,subsection project shall be organized by the supervisor when the supervisor participates in the acceptance,with the relevant units participated in;acceptance of the unit project shall be organized by the Owner,with the relevant units participated in;the design institute and supplier shall participate in acceptance of the relevant items according to the provisions of“Construction quality acceptance scope division table”.The inspectors at all levels shall bear the qualification certificate agreed with the acceptance specialty,and the qualification certificate must be within the effective period.
4.1.5 The inspectors at all levels shall implement the relevant current national standards,industrial standards,contract terms,design documents and manufacturing technical documents in addition to implementing strictly the provisions of this part during the project quality inspection and acceptance,and shall be responsible for the acceptance result.
4.1.6 Construction item quality acceptance can be carried out only after the construction is completed.For the construction quality inspection and acceptance,the construction contractor shall make selfexamination,only after the self-examination is qualified and the self-examination record is complete,can it be reported to the project supervisor,Owner for quality acceptance.
4.1.7 For the concealed works,before it is concealed,the construction contractor will notify the supervisor and the relevant units to make witness acceptance,and complete the acceptance record and visa.
4.1.8 Appearance quality acceptance of the unit project shall be carried out and visaed by the inspectors through visual inspection,experiencing or supported with necessary measurement,and according to the general condition of the inspection items.
4.1.9 Inspection and acceptance of the project construction quality shall implement the provisions in Chapter 4 of this part and shall be carried out according to the inspection batch,subitem project,subsection project and unit project;when one unit project is constructed by multi construction contractors in sections,sub-unit project may be set up.Numbering of the sub-unit project is added with English letter after the original unit project number for distinguishing.
4.1.10 Project construction quality acceptance shall conform to the following provisions:
Acceptance of subitem project can be carried out only after the inspection batch items acceptance is qualified;subsection project acceptance can be carried out only after the sub-subitem project acceptance is qualified;unit project acceptance can be carried out only after the subsection project acceptance is qualified.
4.1.11 “Qualified”of the inspection batch,subitem project,subsection project and unit project construction quality acceptance shall conform to the following provisions:
1 Carry out complete inspection for inspection items according to the provisions of the inspection batch;the inspection results meet the quality standard,then this inspection batch quality acceptance is qualified.
2 When the acceptance items of each inspection batch contained in the subitem project are all qualified,and the subitem project documents are complete,then this subitem project acceptance is qualified.
3 When the acceptance of subitem project contained in the subsection project is all qualified,and the subsection project documents are complete,then this subsection project quality acceptance is qualified.
4 When the acceptance of subsection project contained in the unit project is all qualified,and the unit project documents are complete and meet the files management provisions,then this unit project quality acceptance is qualified.
4.1.12 When the project construction quality does not meet the requirement,it shall be registered for record and handle it according to the following provisions:
1 Re-acceptance shall be carried out for the inspection items that are reworked or tools and equipment replaced;
2 The inspection items that can meet the safe use function after repair treatment can be accepted according to the technical treatment scheme and consultation document;
3 Concession treatments can be made for the inspection items that cannot be reworked or unqualified after reworking with the appraisal made by the appraisal institute or the related unit,as they will not affect inherent quality,service life,use function and can operate safely.Second acceptance will not be made any more for the items of concession treatment,but they have to be indicated in the“acceptance result”column of the inspection batch acceptance table,its written report shall be attached to the inspection batch acceptance table.
4.1.13 No acceptance is made for one of the following cases of the inspection batch,subitem project construction quality:
1 The inspection result of the dominant inspection items does not meet the quality standard;
2 Design and equipment supplier has data requirement for the quality standard,but no measured data are filled in the inspection result column;
3 The quality acceptance document does not meet the files management provisions.
4.1.14 The quality problems caused due to the design or manufacturing reason shall be handled by the design institute or the equipment supplier.When the individual non-dominant items cannot meet the standard requirement completely after entrusted the construction contractor to correct at the site,concession treatment may be made after jointly confirmed in written form and signed by the Owner,supplier,supervisor and construction contractor.Second acceptance will not be made any more for the items of concession treatment,but they have to be indicated in the“acceptance result”column of the,its written report shall be attached to the inspection batch acceptance table.
4.1.15 The quantity acceptance documents of the inspection batch,subitem project,subsection project and unit project shall ensure that the data are accurate,the documents are collected completely,and signed;the material for making the documents and the writing shall meet the requirement for durable keeping,and meet the files management provisions.