1 Discuss and comment on the following statements.
1) It has been recognized for centuries that sport can contribute to education values that make for the development of character and right social relations. Within this contribution there are many intertwined and interwoven threads of influences, subtle and not always easy to analyze. But sportsmen who year by year have contact with the playing of amateur games do not need to be convinced by argument of the validity of sport's contribution.
2) In a game, competitors are in moral balance if they are in basic agreement about the informal norms of play and all parties are complying with those norms. If imbalance does occur, it can be restored. For example, if a soccer player is tripped in violation of both the rules and informal player norms, the moral dialogue between players may take the form of the offended player's hitting the offending player with extra force during a later play to communicate where the proper boundaries are and ought to remain.
2 Read Sports, Youth and Character:A Critical Survey (http://www.civicyouth.org/PopUps/WorkingPapers/WP44Fullinwider.pdf?origin=publication_detail)of Robert K. Fullinwider and conclude the author's opinion of the influence of play on human being, especially on kids.