Shanghai, January 9, 1934
Dear Sir,
January 6 was a red-letter day[2] with me; for it was on that day that I received your letter.Whenever I hear my English praised, I feel a sort of pride.I cannot tell you how I prize an encouraging autograph letter[3] from a man of your authority and reputation.
As I said in my previous letter, I have for years past devoted myself to the study of English.I am fool enough often to say to myself [4] that I am born to study English and to help my compatriots[5] to study it.I work in an office simply because I have to work to live and to support my family.I wish I could[6] have enough time every day to write books on and in English[7] for Chinese students of the language.
I am writing chiefly to ask you to recommend some books of the Modern English Usage or the King's English kind.I have read the works of Dr Otto Jespersen[8] and Mr Henry Sweet[9] and many grammars[10] and books on rhetoric[11] by American authors.(By the way, I do not know of any rhetoric book written by an Englishman, and wonder whether there is any such.)But I am sorry to find that most of the so-called "advanced"[12] grammars by American authors are not advanced enough for me.
I am very sorry that neither are you likely ever to come over to China nor can I visit England, I simply do not know whether I can ever find a man who can advise me in my studies.Professors of English are as plentiful as blackberries[13] here in China, both Chinese and foreigners.But I doubt whether many of them care so much as[14] to open books like The Modern English Usage and The King's English.
You mentioned "pressure of work"[15] in your letter.You are busy writing a new book? Will you please let me know what it is and when it may be out[16]? I should also be interested to know where Dr Jespersen is, and whether Mr J.C.Nesfield[17] is still living.
Need I apologize for the trouble I am giving you? I flatter myself[18] that it will give you much pleasure to hear from[19] one of the few Chinese, if not[20] the only Chinese, who do read your books with the care they deserve.
Yours very truly,
Hertz C.K.Kê
[1]Letter to Mr H.W.Fowler:按余于1933年秋间致书H.W.Fowler,1934年1月6日接其复函,9日复寄此信,盖不知是翁已于1933年12月26日逝世矣
[2]red-letter day:足以纪念之日
[3]autograph letter:亲笔信
[4]say to myself:自思
[6]I wish I could:我恨不能
[7]books on and in English:书之论述英文并以英文撰著者
[8]Otto Jespersen:丹麦语言学家,生于1860年,卒于1943年
[9]Henry Sweet:英国名儒,生于1845年,卒于1912年
[13]as plentiful as blackberries:甚多的
[14]so much as = even
[15]“pressure of work”:事忙(来信中语)
[18]I flatter myself:我自以为
[19]hear from:接……之函
[20]if not...:即不言……