CHAPTER 2 第二章 版圖的擴張1898——1941
Sir Cecil Clementi explained that although the Hong Kong territories were divided into three parts viz, the Colony of Hong Kong, old Kowloon and new Kowloon (i.e. the leased territory) yet for practical purposes they constituted a single entity that of Hong Kong Harbour. The Southern side of the harbor (i.e. the colony) was almost if not quite fully developed; the northern side was beginning to develop and would develop rapidly if security of tenure were assured. Persons and firms interested would take up land for large undertakings only if granted leases beyond the period for which the territory has been leased by the Chinese Government to His Majesty’s Government, i.e. 99 years from 1898. It was pointed out that the lease from Government to Government was not merely a land lease, but a lease of all sovereign rights: this would include the right to dispose of land and allot leases even beyond the term of the head lease. Sir C. Clementi therefore urged that, in the best interests of the colony and of the new territories themselves, he should proceed to grant leases for periods beyond the balance of the 99 years. Sir V. Wellesley pointed out the danger of seeming to dispose of that which it might not be in our power to give; the danger of encouraging Hong Kong to think that we were going to keep the New Territories forever ...
圖2.1 九龍半島地圖(1887年)
