Part Two Nursing Cases护理个案篇
1.Receiving a New Patient接收新病人
Nurse: Is this Mr. Li? Welcome to our ward. Please take this bed. Everything is ready. Let me help you get into bed.
护士: 你是李先生吗?欢迎你来我们病房。请睡这个床。一切都准备好了。让我帮助你上床吧!
Patient: Thank you very much. I’d like to sit a while before lying down. Where have you put my clothes?
病人: 十分感谢。我想先坐一会儿再躺下。你把我的衣服放在哪里了?
Nurse: They have been given to your relatives at the Admission Offce. They have been told to bring them back for you to wear when you leave the hospital.
护士: 住院处已交给你的家属了。已告诉他们在你出院时带回来给你。
Patient: I’ve forgotten to bring my cup.
病人: 我忘记带杯子了。
Nurse: Don’t worry. Here is a little teapot for you. The ward attendant will bring you hot water twice a day. I hope that will be enough for you.
护士: 别着急。这里有小茶壶备你用。病房工人每天给你送两次热水。我想够了吧。
Nurse: Now take a rest. I’ll come back later to tell you something about our hospital and its regulations.
护士: 现在该休息了。等一会儿我再来,告诉你一些我们医院的情况和有关制度。
Patient: Good. Thanks a lot.
病人: 好。多谢你。
(The nurse returning)
Nurse: This is No. 3 ward of the Internal Medicine Department. Your bed is No. 302. Dr Zhang is the chief of this ward but Dr Li is responsible for your treatment. He is kind and considerate. So you are in good hands.
护士: 这是内科三病房,你是302床。病房主任姓张,但李医生负责你的治疗。他人很好,并且很负责。你会得到很好的照顾。
Patient: When are my relatives allowed visiting me?
病人: 我的家属几时可以来探视?
Nurse: From three to four in the afternoon.
护士: 每天下午3~4点钟。
Patient: An hour is too short. Why do you limit the visits only to one hour?
病人: 为什么探视时间仅限制为一小时?我感到太短了。
Nurse: It is necessary to give patients a quiet environment for their treatment and rest.Besides,longer visits will be too tiring for them. Your meals are:breakfast at seven,lunch at twelve,and super at six in the evening. The doctors make their morning rounds at nine. Another round is made in the evening.
护士: 这是因为必须让病人有安静的治疗和休养环境。时间太长会使病人感到疲劳。这里吃饭的时间是早饭7点,午饭12点,晚饭在傍晚6点。医生在上午9点查房。另外一次查房在傍晚。
Patient: Where is the washroom?
病人: 盥洗室在哪里?
Nurse: We will show you after a little while. On the way,we will also show you our nurse’s station and the treatment room.
护士: 等一会儿我们带你去看。顺便还要让你认认护士办公室和治疗室。
Patient: Thank you. Oh,I have also forgotten to bring my bowls and chopsticks. What can I do?
病人: 谢谢。啊,我还忘记带碗筷了。怎么办?
Nurse: Never mind. The hospital furnishes everything for your meals. These have to be sterilized every time they are used. The doctor has ordered a soft diet for you. We will put you on the regular diet when your condition has improved.
护士: 不要紧。医院为你们准备好了餐具。每次用后都消毒。医嘱给你软食。在你病情改善后给你正常饮食。
Patient: That’s fne. I hope I will not get any injections. I’ve never had them before.
病人: 好。我不希望打什么针。我过去从未打过针。
Nurse: Don’t be afraid. It feels just like a mosquito bite. Anyway,you may not even need injections. The doctor may prescribe other treatment for you.
护士: 别怕。打针就像蚊子叮一下。而且,你可能不打针。医生也许给你用其他方法治疗。
Nurse: My name is Wang Ying. I am the head nurse of this ward. Press this button any time you need me. But someone will always come if I am not there.
护士: 我叫王英。我是本病房的护士长。如果要找我,可按一下电钮。如果我不在,其他人也会来的。
Patient: Thank you for all the information. You have made me feel much easier.
病人: 谢谢你的介绍。你使我感到很安心。
Nurse: When I have time I will come back to fnd out more about your condition and what we can do to make you comfortable. See you later.
护士: 等我有时间时再来进一步了解你的情况,我们会让你感到更舒服些。再见。
Patient: Good-bye. Thank you.
病人: 谢谢。再见。
Nurse: Good morning. Welcome to our ward. Can I help you?
护士: 早晨好。欢迎来到我们病房。我能帮你什么忙吗?
Patient: Yes,please. I’m Mrs. Watson and this is my son Richhy who drove me here. I’ve come for my operation.
病人: 是的,麻烦你啦。我叫华森,这是我儿子瑞科,他开车送我来这里做手术的。
Nurse: Ah,yes...erm. I’ll take your appointment letter.
护士: 哎,是的,嗯,把你的住院预约证明给我吧。
Patient: Thank you. It’s a lovely place. Is it new?
病人: 谢谢你。很不错的地方,是新的吗?
Nurse: Yes,we’re very proud of it. It was inaugurated by her Royal Highness last December.Would you like to take a seat and help me with a few details?
护士: 是的,我们对它感到非常自豪。开幕仪式是由英女皇去年十二月主持进行的。请你坐下,帮助我把几个细节问题搞清楚可以吗?
Patient: Yes,of course. What do you want to know?
病人: 是的,当然啦。你想知道什么?
Nurse: Good evening,Mr. Lee. Let me go through the pre-admission information with you.Who accompanied you to the hospital?
护士: 晚上好,李先生,请让我为你做入院前告知。谁陪你来医院的?
Patient: My daughter Mary is here with me.
病人: 我的女儿玛丽在这陪我。
Nurse: Why have you come to the hospital,Mr Lee?
护士: 李先生,你哪里不舒服来医院?
Marry: My father fainted after having dinner.
玛丽: 我父亲晚饭后晕倒了。
Nurse: What time did he faint?
护士: 他什么时间晕倒的?
Marry: About 6:30pm.
玛丽: 大概晚上6:30。
Nurse: It’s 9:30pm now. That’s about three hours ago. Did you take him to see a doctor before coming here?
护士: 现在是晚上9:30,那是3个小时前。来这前你带他去看医生了吗?
Marry: Yes. We brought him to the GP next to our block. The doctor said that it was better to take him to the hospital for a check.
玛丽: 是的,我们带他去看了我们街区附近的全科医生。医生建议他到医院做个体检。
Nurse: Did the doctor give you a letter?
护士: 医生有没有给你一封信?
Marry: Yes. Here it is.
玛丽: 有,给你。
Nurse: OK. Thank you. I will give it to our doctor when he sees your father. Does your father have any drug allergy?
护士: 好,谢谢,我会在我们的医生为你父亲检查后给他。你父亲对什么药过敏吗?
Marry: Dad,do you have some gastric problems?
玛丽: 爸,你的胃有问题吗?
Patient: Yes,I am allergic to pain killers like aspirin.
病人: 是的,我对止痛药很敏感,例如阿司匹林。
Nurse: Any other known allergy?
护士: 还知道别的过敏吗?
Patient: No.
病人: 没有。
Nurse: What about food allergy?
护士: 有食物过敏吗?
Marry: What do you mean by that?
玛丽: 那是什么意思?
Nurse: That means certain food that can cause adverse reactions,like vomiting,itching,diarrhoea.
护士: 是指某种食物能够引起有害反应,例如呕吐、发痒、腹泻等。
Patient: Not really. But I need to watch my diet because of my diabetes.
病人: 不确定,但我需要注意饮食,因为我有糖尿病。
Nurse: Right. As this is a hospital,we like to advise that cash and valuables are kept properly.If necessary,they can be kept in our hospital safe.
护士: 对。由于这是医院,我们建议你保管好你的钱和贵重物品。如果需要,可以放在医院保险箱里。
Marry: I think we can bring back the valuables with us. Not necessary for the safe.
玛丽: 我想我们可以带回随身贵重物品,不需要保险箱。
Nurse: I need to ask about your past medical history,Mr. Lee. Ever been admitted to a hospital or undergone any surgery.
护士: 我需要问一下你的用药史,李先生,你曾经住过院或做过手术吗?
Patient: Yes,for appendicitis.
病人: 是的,因为阑尾炎。
Nurse: When was the operation?
护士: 什么时间做的手术?
Patient: More than ten years ago.
病人: 10多年以前。
Nurse: Where was the operation?
护士: 你在哪做的手术?
Patient: A hospital.
病人: A医院。
Nurse: OK. What about recent medical problems?
护士: 好,你最近的医疗问题是什么?
Patient: I have DM.
病人: 我有糖尿病。
Nurse: Yes,your daughter mentioned that earlier. When were you diagnosed as diabetic?
护士: 对,你女儿刚刚提过,你什么时候被诊断为糖尿病?
Patient: Last year.
病人: 去年。
Nurse: Are you on medication for diabetes currently?
护士: 你目前服用治疗糖尿病的药物吗?
Patient: Yes.
病人: 是的。
Nurse: Do you have any medicine with you now?
护士: 你现在身边带有你的药吗?
Marry: Yes. This is my father’s packet of medicine.
玛丽: 是的,这是我父亲的药包。
Nurse: Let me hold on to this also. Besides diabetes,do you have any other medical problem,Mr. Lee?
护士: 让我也记下这些药。李先生,除了糖尿病,你的身体有没有别的问题?
Patient: No,except for my gastric problem. But I am not taking any medication for that now.
病人: 没有,除了我的胃病。但是我现在没有因为这个服用过任何药物。
Nurse: Are there any other information or special requests that you may want to add?
护士: 有没有其他信息或特殊要求你想补充的?
Patient: No.
病人: 没有。
Nurse: Thank you,Mr. Lee,for the information. Doctor Wang will see you soon.
护士: 谢谢李先生提供的信息,王医生一会儿将过来看你。
Nurse: Hello,Mr. Lee. Welcome to Ward 10. Before the doctor sees you,let me make a quick assessment. I need to get your weight and height. You are limping. Are you able to stand up for a while?
护士: 你好,李先生。欢迎来到10号病房,让我为你做一个快速评估。你需要测一下体重和身高。你有点跛行,能站一会儿吗?
Patient: Yes. Should not be a problem.
病人: 可以,应该没问题。
Nurse: All right. Height 1.55m,weight 56kg. Very good,Mr. Lee. You may sit on the bed.Let me check your pulse and breathing. So,what happened to you?
护士: 好,身高1.55米,体重56公斤。很好,李先生,你可以坐在床上。让我为你测一下脉搏和呼吸,那么,你感觉怎么不舒服?
Patient: I felt uncomfortable after dinner and fainted in the toilet. I fell and that’s how I injured my right knee.
病人: 我晚饭后感觉不舒服晕倒在厕所。我觉得因此伤了右膝。
Nurse: Oh yes,you were limping just now. Don’t worry,we will give you a thorough checkup here. How old are you,Mr. Lee?
护士: 是的,刚才你走路蹒跚。不用担心,在这儿我们将为你进行全面检查。李先生,你多大年纪?
Patient: I am seventy one this year.
病人: 我71岁。
Nurse: Really? You look younger than your age. How do you make it?
护士: 真的吗?你看起来很年轻,怎么保持的?
Patient: Nothing special. Just plain common sense. Eat well and sleep well. Also,an apple a day keeps the doctor away.
病人: 没有什么特别的,只是普通简单的道理。吃得好睡得好。也就是一天一个苹果让医生走开。
Nurse: Ah,good,so you take fruits. How many hours do you sleep a day?
护士: 哈,好,你经常吃水果。你每天睡几个小时?
Patient: I usually sleep early. By 9:30p.m.,I will be in bed. And I feel very fresh when I wake up at 6:00a.m. in the morning. I don’t need afternoon naps.
病人: 我总是睡得很早,一般晚上9:30上床,当我早上6点醒来时,感觉精神饱满。我不需要午后小睡。
Nurse: Have you ever fainted before?
护士: 你以前曾晕倒过吗?
Patient: This is the frst time. I am always healthy.
病人: 这是第一次,我一直很健康。
Nurse: You can keep your eyeglasses in the drawer beside your bed. Do you have dentures?
护士: 你可以把眼镜放在床边抽屉里,你有义齿吗?
Patient: No,these are my natural teeth. But some have dropped out over the years.
病人: 不,这些是我自己的牙。但是有些已经掉了好几年了。
Nurse: Very well,Mr. Lee. Our ward doctor will see you soon.
护士: 很好,李先生,我们病区的医生一会儿将来看你。