■ 侯常春1 王 洋1 张 维1 韩树清1 刘忠慧1 腾学敏2 蔡粼波3
王志森4 许 明5 戴力维6 杨卓森7 刘明升8 刘 刚9 吴洪亮10
目的 掌握天津市重点人群的碘营养状况,为科学补碘提供依据。
方法 采用“人口比例概率抽样方法(PPS抽样)”在我市抽取30个小学,在小学中随机抽取50名8~10岁儿童,测量其甲状腺容积、尿碘和盐碘。在每个抽中小学所在乡的卫生院,抽样检测20名孕妇的尿碘。
结果 共调查儿童1532人,甲状腺肿大率为1.63%,尿碘中位数为196.8μg/L。监测盐样1532份,碘盐覆盖率87.79%,合格碘盐食用率81.98%,盐碘中位数26.38mg/kg。共调查孕妇644人,尿碘中位数为149.90μg/L。
结论 天津市儿童碘营养处于适宜水平,孕妇碘营养略有不足。
ABSTRACT Objective To investigate the current status of iodine nutrition on target population in Tianjin, and to provide a scientific basis for iodine supplementation. Methods 30 primary schools in the city were selected by the"proportionate to population size method (PPS sampling)".Fifty 8-10 years old children were selected randomly in the primary school for the measurement of thyroid volume, urinary iodine and salt iodine.20 pregnantwomen were selected in the township health center located in each primary school for urinary iodine detection. Results 1532 children were investigated.The goiter rate was 1.63%.The median urinary iodine was 196.8μg/L.1532 salt samples were monitored, the coverage rate of iodized salt was 87.79%, while the rate of qualified iodized salt was 81.98%.The median salt iodine was 26.38mg/kg.The median urinary iodine of 644 pregnant women was 149.90μg/L. Conclusions The iodine nutrition status for children is adequate, iodine nutrition of pregnant women is insufficient in Tianjin.