Apple—Run without Steve Jobs? 没有史蒂夫·乔布斯,没有苹果?
乔布斯1955年出生于加州,但遭亲生父母遗弃,他本人临终前也不愿见生父一面。1976 年4月1日,他与朋友沃兹尼亚克及韦恩成立苹果公司,而苹果商标的灵感是来自物理学家牛顿“苹果从树上掉下来”的创作。1977年出售最早期的苹果电脑。1984 年生产Macintosh 电脑。1985年乔布斯与各人意见不合,另外成立电脑公司NeXT,并在1986年以1000万美元购入皮克斯(Pixar)成为主要持股人制作动画。1996 年乔布斯重归苹果,改朝换代,从此苹果大放异彩,并于1997 年推出彩色iMac电脑,2001年推出随身数码播放器 iPod,2002 年有touch wheel iPod II。2004之后,陆续有mini iPod、iPod nano、iMac、MacBook Pro面世。2008年有MacBook Air和3G iPhone;2010年有iPad、2011年则有iPad II。美国时间2011年10月5日,他因胰脏癌逝世。在此之后,iPhone 5、iPhone 5s 及iPhone 5c 分别于2012年、2013年发售,iPhone 6和iPhone 6 plus于2014 年发售,2015年则有iWatch。
乔布斯曾说过:“人的创见会决定他成为带领者还是追随者。”这是他的格言。而他的离世或多或少影响到苹果的业绩,也令这世界丧失了一点色彩。我自己都是设计人,也用苹果电脑和手机等,当然明白为何设计师都情倾苹果,它简单的美学和使用方法,完全配合个人的独特风格。虽然灵魂不再,但我想他的精神是不会散的。现在苹果由蒂姆·库克(Tim Cook)领导,他强调苹果没有因乔布斯离开而有任何改变,并会一如以往硏发创新。就让我们拭目以待,为乔布斯在世上把关!
When talking about Apple, there is no doubt Steve Jobs was the guru of the company. He was the brain and the innovator but at the same time stubborn and fiery. Nevertheless, the way he explored on computer technology and smart phone development had changed the lives of mankind. Even Microsoft had to strive hard to compete with Steve and lawsuits between Samsung and Apple has proved how keen the competition is on market. In fact, a lot of news talked about Steve's biography already. Now I highlight a few memorable milestones in his life:
Steve was born in California 1955. He was deserted by his bio-parents and even he did not want to reconcile with his father before dead. In April 1 1976, Steve Wozniak, Ronald Wayne and him started up the company. The logo was inspired by the physicist Newton's apple which fell off a tree. In 1977, the company made the first computer. In 1984, they made the first Macintosh. In 1985, Steve could not get along with the partners and left to establish another computer company NeXT. In 1986, he paid US10 million to own Pixar to produce animation. In 1996, he was back to Apple and thereafter the company boomed. Incredible products were launched such as colour iMac computer in 1997. iPod, a digital music player device was made in 2001. In 2002 a touch wheel iPod II was invented. After 2004, we had mini iPod, iPod nano, iMac and MacBook Pro. In 2008 we had MacBook Air, 3G iPhone. In 2010 we had iPad, and then iPad II in 2011. However, Steve died of pancreatic cancer on Oct. 5 2011 unfortunately. Still, iPhone 5, iPhone 5s and 5c were all launched between 2012 and 2013. iPhone 6 and 6s were just launched in 2014. In 2015 we have iWatch.
He once claimed that innovation distinguishes the difference between a leader and a follower—He definitely was the former. His death really affected Apple business in the past 4 years. In fact, his pass-away made the world a bit dim too. Being a designer, I also use Apple laptop and Iphone. I think simplicity in design and innovative technology are the keys! Though Steve was gone, the spirit is still here on Apple. Now Tim Cook is the leader and he stressed that there was no change and they kept new technology going. Let's see how he leads it!
Inspired by a HK Poly University student who gave tribute to Steve: I did mine.
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Illustration/插图: David Yeung