Baccarat—aristocratic glassware 贵族象征的玻璃:巴卡拉
她可说是最昂贵的水晶,设计种类包括吊灯、壁灯、烛台、水晶酒具、香水瓶、首饰及小摆设等。一个小摆设最少也要上千元人民币,但细看其手工及设计便觉物有所值。说起巴卡拉,有两件大事不可不提:第一件是2003年与法国鬼才产品设计师菲利普·斯达克(Philip Starck)合作的黑伞水晶吊灯,价值三十多万人民币!要知道老品牌与新派设计师合作需要很大的勇气,而此黑色系列更让菲利普声名大噪;第二件是2005年美国喜达屋集团(Starwood Capital Group)收购了此品牌,于2012年更利用其特色发展起一系列高端度假酒店项目。据他们的计划,将会有一所服务式住宅建立于上海,大家且拭目以待。
Thinking of France we will appreciate her culture and history. What is more, the art of living stressed by the country will not be ignored. This premium glassware brand Baccarat is one of the examples. Starting from the 18th century, Baccarat was given permission by the French royal families to make crystal and glass in a place“Baccarat” in eastern France. Louis XV assigned people to work there. Throughout 300 years, the brand was favored by Japan, Turkey and America and nowadays, we can find Baccarat shops in China.
You can say the products are the most expensive crystal in the world. They include but are not limited to chandelier, wall lamp, tableware, perfume bottle, jewelry and mini-decoration. A small decorative product even costs more than 1,000 CNY. But when you check out the craftsmanship and design it is value for money indeed. Besides, there are 2 remarkable events done by the brand—First, in 2003, Baccarat called on Philip Starck, the most iconoclastic French product designer to create a series of black crystal products; and a chandelier with an umbrella which cost more than three hundred thousand CNY, made Philip a great success. We should understand that it takes courage for an old brand to try something new with a new and directional designer like him! Second, an American enterprise Starwood Capital Group acquired Baccarat in 2005 and developed a huge project of chain hotel and residence across the globe in 2012. It was also said one of the residences would be located in Shanghai. Let's wait and see when it will be done.
In order to celebrate the 250th anniversary in 2014, Baccarat used the brand “red” to design a range of vivid glassware. Though the target market is for high end consumer group, the product is still highly appreciated particular for sovenir purpose. I once received a Baccarat glasses by the time I got married, and it is still nicely kept in my glass closet, glittering and lengendary as usual.
The art of living in France has fostered a lot of premium brands, Baccarat is one of those.
Shop in Hong Kong: 1a-3a Des Voeux Road, 1f/121, Prince Building, Central, Hong Kong
香港地址: 香港中环德辅道中1a-3a号太子大厦商场1f/121
Illustration/插图: David Yeung