2.2 [27] 景公欲杀犯所爱之槐者晏子谏
Duke Jing had a Pagoda tree[2] that he loved. He ordered his officials to guard it carefully. He set up a wooden pole and posted the follow ing order on it: “W hoever violates the tree w ill be punished; whoever damages it w ill die.”
Some man did not hear of the order and,while drunk,violated the tree. When the Duke heard of this,he said: “This is the first violation against my order” and appointed officials to arrest the man and punish him.
The man’s daughter went to Yanzi’s house,saying:[3] “An unworthy woman of the people from beyond the city wall asks permission to speak to the Chief M inister. As I cannot contain my desires,I w ish to occupy a place in the ranks of your lesser quarters.”
When Yanzi heard this,he laughed and said: “Am I one who indulges in lew dness? How should I,in my old age,meet w ith some amorous woman? Nevertheless,she must have some reason for coming here.” He ordered her to be let in. When she stepped through the gate,he looked at her from afar and said: “Strange,she is deeply troubled.” He allowed her to enter the house and asked her: “What are you troubled about?”
The woman answered: “Our Lord planted a Pagoda Tree w ith an order posted on it that whoever violates the tree w ill be punished,and whoever damages it will die. My father is numb and did not pay heed to this command. He violated the Pagoda Tree while drunk,and the officials are going to punish him. I have heard that when an enlightened ruler oversees the state and establishes a government,he neither lowers salaries nor increases punishments. Moreover,he does not offend public laws because of personal spite. He does not hurt people for the sake of w ild animals,or w ild animals for the sake of plants,or crops for the sake of weeds. Our Lord wants to kill my father and orphan me because of a tree. This order is to be applied to the people and w ill become a state law. Nevertheless,I have heard: ‘A courageous officer w ill not bully the lone individual w ith numerical superiority and strength; an enlightened and compassionate ruler w ill not cast aside what is right in order to carry out his desires.’ This can be compared to one who prepares fish and tortoises by oneself and gets rid of their rancid and fetid odors,and nothing more; or to one who,in the dark of his shop in the market-quarter,instructs his neighbors to sit in a dignified manner.[4] Now our Lord has issued an order to the people. If the order is indeed turned into a state law whose positive effect would benefit future generations,then it would also be proper that my father die,and right that I place him in a coffin. Yet how different is the present order! M y father is to be punished for the sake of a tree. I am afraid that this w ill hurt the law fulness of the discerning officials and violate the righteousness of an enlightened ruler. If the neighboring states hear of this,they w ill all say that our Lord loves trees and disdains people. Is this right? It is my w ish that you,the prime minister of the state,examine my words and thereby judge the offender of this prohibition.”
Yanzi said: “This is indeed extreme. I w ill speak w ith our Lord about this on your behalf.” He appointed someone to take her back. The next day,he went early in the morning for an audience w ith the Duke and reported to him: “I have heard that exhausting the property and the strength of the people in order to satisfy cravings and desires is known as ‘tyranny.’Adoring fine things and precious objects and giving them the same exalted position of authority as to the ruler himself is known as ‘perversion.’Punishing or executing the innocent is known as ‘predation.[5] These three characterizations are the principal disasters that can befall the safeguarding of the state. But now you,my Lord,exhaust the property and the strength of the people in order to create a surplus of your utensils for eating and drinking. You augment the music of bells and drums and you spend excessive amounts on the splendor of your palaces. This is an extremely tyrannical practice. You,my Lord,give priority to fine things and precious objects. You post an order that anyone who passes a beloved Pagoda Tree in a carriage has to gallop and anyone who passes it on foot has to run,so that the sam e honor is paid to it as to you; this is clearly a perversion. When you say that anyone who violates the Pagoda Tree w ill be punished and anyone who damages it w ill die,the punishment and the execution are inappropriate,amounting to treating the people w ith the most extreme kind of criminality. Ever since you have enjoyed the rule over this state,you have shown the multitude no sign of virtuous conduct,while these three forms of depravity have been clearly manifested in the state. I am afraid that these cannot be the means by which you oversee the state and rule the people as if they were your own children.”
The Duke said: “Had you not instructed me,I might have committed a grave crime that would have had a disastrous effect on the altars of soil and grain. But now you,my High Officer,have instructed me on this matter; this is the good fortune of the altars of soil and grain. I accept your commands.”
A fter Yanzi departed,the Duke ordered his officials to quickly dism iss the guards around the Pagoda Tree,to pull out the wooden pole that had been set up,to annul the law concerning the damaging of the Pagoda Tree,and to release the prisoner who violated the Pagoda Tree.
[1]Item 2.2 [27] ↔ Item 7.9 [179]; Gulienüzhuan 古列女传,6.4/53/20.
[2]The Huai 槐 tree,Styphnolobium japonicum,or Sophora japonica,is known as the “Japanese Pagoda Tree,” “Chinese Scholar Tree,” or more sim ply as the “Pagoda Tree” or “Scholar Tree.”
[3]其子往辞晏子之家托曰→其子女往晏子家说曰 (JS,103/8-9).
[4]These tw o analogies do not appear in the parallel Gulienüzhuan version of this episode and,indeed,most commentators agree that these two analogies are not genuine but probably a later interpolation,see JS,104-105/23-24.
[5]For a sim ilar negative characterizations of government,cf. Analects,20.2/57/30.