See, here's a man so fond of cold
He cannot stand the heat, I'm told;
The breezes of a summer day
Would simply make him melt away.
He loves the coldest winds that blow,
This pale-faced man who's made of snow.
He's frozen stiff as he can be;
That's why he stays with us, you see.
His friends are very, very few;
He's far too cold for me or you;
And he would be completely lost
Without his faithful friend, Jack Frost.
Together they must always be;
They cannot live apart, you see.
And when Old Jack Frost goes away,
The Snow Man can no longer stay.
(Rebecca B. Foresman)

Word list
pale-faced: very white
frozen: icy cold
faithful: showing very strong trust in someone
You Practice
Answer the following questions.
1) What does the snow man like? Why?
2) What does the snow man not like? Why?
3) Why does the snow man not have many friends?
4) Who is the snow man's best friend?
5) What happens when the snow man's best friend goes away?