exchange idea ★★★★★
➢ A university offer us a place for students to share and exchange their ideas and experiences. 大学提供了一个让学生分享和交流他们的想法和经验的地方。
vocational skill ★★★★★
➢ Many parents think it is important for students to acquire vocational skills in university and accumulate part-time work experience. 许多家长认为,学生在大学学习职业技能、积累兼职工作经验是很重要的。
meet socialdem and ★★★★★
➢ In order to meet social demands, more work-related subjects should be arranged in university courses. 为了满足社会需要,在大学课程中应该安排更多与工作相关的科目。
in tegrate theory with practice ★★★★★
➢ It is more reasonable to integrate theory with practice providing them with both academic knowledge and employable skills. 将理论与实践相结合,为他们提供学术知识和就业技能,这是更合理的做法。
learning ability ★★★★★
➢ Learning environment is critical as it influences students’ academ ic performance and their learning abilities. 学习环境是至关重要的,因为它会影响学生的学习成绩和学习能力。
v. 分组
➢ Some people feel that it is detrimental to group students according to their academic performance. 一些人认为根据他们的学习成绩来分班对学生是不利的。
different academic ability ★★★★★
➢ It is necessary for students with different academ ic abilities to be taught in the same class. 具有不同学术能力的学生必须在同一班级学习。
label [‘leɪbl] ★★★★★
v. 把……归类
➢ It is harm ful to label students as slow learners and treat them differently. 给学生贴上“慢速学习者”的标签并以不同的方式对待他们是有害的。
learning efficiency ★★★★★
➢ Some students’ learning efficiency will be influenced if they study with peers who learn much slower than they are. 如果有些学生与学习比他们慢得多的同学一起学习,他们的学习效率会受到影响。
develop potential ★★★★★
➢ Many students are eager to study abroad, developing their potentials and becoming more independent abroad. 许多学生渴望出国留学,在国外开发自己的潜能,变得更加独立。
adopt various methods ★★★★★
➢ It is vital to educate different students by adopting various methods.采用不同的方法对不同的学生进行教育是至关重要的。
tailored course ★★★★★
➢ Grouping students according to their learning abilities enables them to enjoy tailored courses. 根据学生的学习能力分班,能使他们享受定制的课程。
plays a significant role ★★★★★
➢ Home education plays a significant role in children’s grow th. 家庭教育在儿童成长中起着重要作用。
impoverished family ★★★★★
➢ Children from impoverished fam ilies tend to be more capable in solving problems and independently psychologically. 来自贫困家庭的孩子往往解决问题的能力更强,心理更加独立。
support family ★★★★★
➢ These children from poor families learn to help their parents support family from an early age. 这些来自贫困家庭的孩子从很小的时候就学会帮助他们的父母养家。
➢ According ly, this life experience enables them to cope with challenges independently when they are in adversity. 因此,这种生活经验使他们能够在逆境中独立应对挑战。
educational resource ★★★★★
➢ Adequate financial support from parents allows children to enjoy better educational resources which help them to widen their field of vision. 父母给予的足够的经济支持可以让孩子们享受更好的教育资源,从而帮助他们开阔自己的视野。
financially disadvan taged ★★★★★
➢ Financially disadvantaged students are less likely to get access to various resources. 贫困学生不太可能获得各种资源。
obedien t [ə’biːdiənt] ★★★★
adj. 听话的;顺从的
➢ Many parents hope their children to be obedient and think their children are too young to make decisions independently. 许多父母希望他们的孩子听话,认为他们的孩子太小,不能独立地做决定。
acceptrules passively ★★★★★
➢ The children who accept rules passively without independent thinking tend to be stifled in terms of creativity and imagination. 那些不独立思考、被动接受规则的孩子,他们的创造力和想象力往往会被扼杀。
cover the cost of ★★★★★
➢ Many people believe governments should cover the cost of all levels of formal education. 许多人认为政府应该承担各级正规教育的费用。
lay a huge financial burden on ★★★★★
➢ Paying university tuition for everyone would surely lay a huge financial burden on governments. 为大学生支付学费肯定会给政府带来巨大的财政负担。
motivated [‘məʊtɪveɪtɪd] ★★★★★
adj. 有动力的
➢ If university study is free, students would be less motivated to learn.如果大学教育是免费的,学生们就没有那么强的学习动力。
free education ★★★★★
➢ I believe, as citizens, everyone should enjoy some levels of free education. 我相信,作为公民,每个人应该享受一定程度的免费教育。
well-educated [‘wel’edjuːkeɪtɪd] ★★★★★
adj. 受过良好教育的
➢ It is crucial for governments to invest in education and cultivate well-educated citizens as they are the key driving force of economic prosperity. 对于政府来说,投资教育和培养受过良好教育的公民是至关重要的,因为他们是经济繁荣的关键驱动力。
construction of in frastructure ★★★★★
➢ Governments also need to allocate money to other important sectors, such as pension, health care, construction of infrastructure and so on.政府还需要将资金分配给其他重要部门,如养老金、医疗保健、基础设施建设等。
future career ★★★★★
➢ Some people think universities should provide knowledge and skills related to a future career. 一些人认为大学应该提供与(学生们的)未来职业相关的知识和技能。
post-secondary education ★★★★★
➢ Post-secondary education should provide students with both general skills and knowledge and job-related training. 中学应给学生们提供常用技能和知识以及与工作相关的培训。
critical thinking ★★★★★
➢ Helping students develop critical thinking should be the main focus of university education. 帮助学生培养批判性思维应该是大学教育的重点。
distance-learning program ★★★★★
➢ Communication technology enables many people to use distancelearning programs (study material post, TV, Internet, etc.) to study at home. 通信技术使许多人能够通过远程学习项目(学习材料、电视、互联网等)在家里学习。
classroom-based learning ★★★★★
➢ Many educationalists think classroom-based learning has its limitation. 许多教育学家认为课堂学习有其局限性。
assess [ə’ses] ★★★★★
v. 评估
➢ Teachers not only can share knowledge, but they can assess, correct and motivate students. 教师不仅可以分享知识,而且能够评价、矫正和激励学生。
remote learning ★★★★★
➢ Remote learning saves students a great amount of money and time, enabling them to study conveniently. 远程学习为学生节省了大量的金钱和时间,使他们能够方便地学习。
bridge many different fields ★★★★
➢ Mathematics is a foundation subject that bridges many different fields. 数学是一个可以衔接许多不同的领域的基础学科。
➢ Econom ics is a fundamental discipline that allows societies to be stable and move forward. 经济学是一门基本学科,它可以让社会保持稳定,向前发展。
economics [ˌiːkə’nBmɪks] ★★★★★
n. 经济学
➢ I believe that math and economics are critical subjects in the 21th century. 我认为数学和经济学是21世纪的重要学科。
key area ★★★★
➢ Governments must do their part to ensure sufficient investment in these key areas. 政府必须尽其所能,确保我们在这些(教育等)关键领域的投资。
enter the work force ★★★★★
➢ Traditionally, students who graduated from high school tended to attend university or entered the workforce right away. 以前,高中毕业生往往会直接上大学,或者马上步入职场。
broaden one’s horizons ★★★★★
➢ Taking time off allows a person to broaden his or her horizons to see and experience new cultures. 休息一段时间可以让一个人开阔自己的视野并且去观察和体验新的文化。
adj. 支持的
➢ Parents should think carefully what course suits their children best and be supportive. 父母应该仔细地思考什么是最适合他们孩子的课程,并且支持(孩子学习这样的课程)。