Situation 3 Introducing the Producing Process
Sample Dialogue 1
Paul: Welcome to our factory.
Mr.White: I've been looking forward to visiting your factory.
Paul: Actually,you'll know our products better after the visit.
Paul: This is the assembly line.These drawings on the wall are process sheets.They describe how each process goes on to the next.
Mr.White: How many workers are there on the lines?
Paul: About 60.But we are running on two shifts.And every day,1,400 air-conditioners are assembled.
Mr.White: Oh,it's highly efficient.
Paul: Yes,this assembly line was built recently.Almost every process is computerized.What a worker does is usually to push buttons.Thus,the efficiency is greatly raised,and the intensity of labor is decreased.
Mr.White: How do you control the quality of the products?
Paul: Well,all products have to go through five checks in the whole process.We believe that the quality is the soul of an enterprise.Therefore,we always put quality as the first consideration.
Mr.White: Yes,quality is even more important than quantity.
Paul: That's right.
Mr.White: I hope my visit does not cause you too much trouble.
Paul: No trouble at all.Shall we rest a while and have a cup of tea before going around?
Mr.White: That's fine.
Task 5
Pair work.Start a conversation with your partner according to the situation:
A customer representative is visiting your factory and he asks you some questions.Now please start the conversation.
Situation 4 Negotiating a Deal
Sample Dialogue 2
Mr.White: I understand we will need seven air conditioning units on the two floors.That's what you think,right?
Paul: Yes.You could use five or six units.But five or six wouldn't be very efficient.I recommend seven.
Mr.White: And if we take the Decker units you suggested,what would the price be?
Paul: Let me calculate the price for you.I can give you a 15%discount if you buy the seven units.Let's see here.Your total would be 5,929 dollars.
Mr.White: So you say we can do it for less than 6,000 dollars.
Paul: Yes,that's for the units.Installation would probably be another 700 to 1,000 dollars.But it depends on the time spent,of course.
Mr.White: You mean installation isn't included? I'm very surprised.
Paul: No,Mr.White.Installation isn't included.The price I quoted was just for the units.
Mr.White: In Taipei,you know,the company usually installs the things they sell.They don't charge extra.
Paul: I know that.But they would just raise the price of the units to cover their costs.Here in L.A.,installation is charged separately.
Mr.White: Yes,I suppose I should get used to it.But I'm not really willing to spend more than 6,000 dollars for this.We haven't even opened yet.
Paul: I understand.
Mr.White: And the other company that gave me a quote on this said they could do it for 4,000 dollars.
Paul: It's a question of quality.At that price,you would not get good equipment.I've been in this business for almost twenty years.I know what happens.If you don't get quality air conditioning now,you will just have to replace the system after two years.
Mr.White: If you can quote me a price of 6,000 dollars and installation is included,I can accept.
Paul: Well,we don't usually do it.But we can accommodate you on this.We will do the installation for free because we appreciate your business.
Mr.White: Good.I hope we can arrange the contract as soon as possible.
Task 6
Pair work.Role-play a negotiation with your partner according to the situation:
You are interested in the products of Gree Company and you are discussing something with the manager concerning the price,type and installation.
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