田禾 中国社会科学院国家法治指数研究中心主任,法学研究所研究员、法治指数创新工程项目组首席研究员
吕艳滨 中国社会科学院国家法治指数研究中心副主任,法学研究所研究员、法治国情调研室主任
马效领 王洋 王展 王小梅 王述珊
王祎茗 王昱翰 毛宇翔 田纯才 冯天阳
冯迎迎 任昱希 向林 刘迪 刘雁鹏
阮雨晴 杨德世 金俊州 赵千羚 荆涵
胡昌明 侯冰洁 胥开文 栗燕杰 徐斌
黄恩浩 葛冰
吕艳滨 中国社会科学院法学研究所研究员
田禾 中国社会科学院法学研究所研究员
刘迪 中国社会科学院法学研究所研究助理
关键词:政务公开 法治政府 政府透明度 法治指数
Abstract:To further promote the work of open government in China,National Research Centre on The Rule of Law Index and the project team on The Rule of Law Index of the Law Institute of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences carried out third-party assessment on the 2017 open government work on 54 departments under the State Council,31 provincial-level governments,49 larger cities and 100 county-level governments in such fields as openness in decision-making,openness in management and service,openness in implementation,openness in key areas,explanation of policies and response to public concerns,disclosure upon application.The assessment shows that China has made remarkable progress in the work of open government.For example,the guidance in specific fields and areas of open government achieved obvious effect; the transparency of decision-making has improved consistently; the degree of disclosure of information about administrative enforcement is high; the openness in some implementation fields is normative; the disclosure of information in some key areas is good; significant progresses have been made in the work of explanation of policies and response to public concerns.Meanwhile,the assessment also reveals some problems.For example,the standard of open government still need to be further elaborated on; the disclosure of some basic government information is not enough,more efforts need to be made in the disclosure of information in some key areas; some new requirements of open government need to be meet in further; the work of explanation of policies needs to be promoted; legal risk in the application for information disclosure still remains; more efforts need to be made in the construction of platform for the disclosure of information.In light of the above problems,the project team suggests that China should recognize the importance of open government; clearly define the open government mechanism; focus on summary and promotion of experience; handle the relationship of openness and confidentiality; promote the open government work with the “Great open” idea; strengthen the construction of government website informatization.
Key Words:Open Government;Government Ruled by Law;Government Transparency;The Rule of Law Index