七 投诉信
Directions: You have recently returned from a trip. However, you were dissatisfied with the service you received at the hotel where you were visiting.
Write a letter to the manager of the hotel. Give details of when you stayed, explain why you were unhappy with the service and say what you'd like to be done about it.
Dear Sir or Madam,
I write to express my dissatisfaction with the service I received while staying at your hotel during my vacation between the 2nd and 11th of April this year.
Although your hotel is rated as a five-star one,I found that the rooms were not cleanedon a daily basis, and that my bed was cleaned up only every three days.In addition, the food in the restaurant was similarly disappointing.Not only was it extremely overpriced,but the quality was very poor. I was therefore forced to have to eat out in local restaurants.
I trust you will take my complaints seriously, and make every effort to improve your service in the future.I would greatly appreciate a discount on my bill (receipt enclosed).I look forward to a favorable reply at your earliest convenience.
Yours sincerely,
Li Ming
express 表达
dissatisfaction 不满
vacation 假期
rate 评级
five-star 五星级的
on a daily basis 每天
clean up 整理
similarly 同样地;类似地
disappointing 令人失望的
extremely 非常,极其
overprice 对……定价过高
quality 质量,品质
therefore 因此
eat out 外出就餐
complaint 投诉
improve 改善
in the future 在将来
greatly 非常地
discount 折扣
bill 账单
receipt 收据
enclose 随信附上
favorable (回答)满足要求的
reply 答复
at your earliest convenience 得便时请尽早
① We will deeply appreciate your willingness to make up for the loss. 若您愿意补偿损失,我们将不胜感激。
② I wish to refer you to an incident which occurred in your restaurant, calling for some remedial actions. 我想告知您发生在贵饭店的一件事,希望您采取一些补救措施。
③ I am writing to you in the hope that you could do me a favor to improve the current horrible situation. 我现在写信给您,希望您可以帮忙改善目前糟糕的状况。