As Study of the Arts has been an independent discipline for the forth year in 2015, The Annual Report on Study of the Arts in China(2015-2016)fully scans the development ofthe discipline and its five subjects in mainland China. The report outlines the development state in 2015 of five subordinate first-level subjects of the discipline of Study of the Arts, i. e. theory of the arts, musicology and study of dance, study of theater, film and television, study of fine arts, and study of design. In order to specify some art categories, according to their actual condition and variation, the editor divides“musicology and study of dance”into two chapters of“musicology”and“study of dance”, “study of theater, film and television”into three chapters of“study of theater”, “study of film”and“study of television”. When discussing the annual situation of the five subjects, the report mainly focuses on three points of subject trend, issues of concern, and monographic study. Subject Trends a panorama of the subjects' annual development; Issues of Concern thoroughly reviews and analyzes the important annual problems that arouse concern; Monographic Study selects some important theoretical points of the subjects with profound research. The report studies on the highlights as follows: building Study of the Arts with Chinese characteristics; arts in current cultural industry; the review system and social attribute of contemporary dance art; inheritance and development of Chinese traditional opera; the development of Chinese musical; Chinese original theater in 2015; challenges and opportunities for Chinese film of the last century; historical resource of the adaptions of Journey to the West; attitude of Chinese TV industry under the sustained impact of internet and IP;the boundary of history and theory of fine art; art auction market returning rationality; theoretical intension and practical extension in Study of Design; etc. . These studies help to fully understand the development of Study of the Arts in 2015. The work could be the prerequisites for the researchers or experts of the discipline and its subordinate subjects, and also could be read by the general readers.