8 alive to; awake to; aware of; beware of
● 前三个词组意为“意识到” “察觉到”,后面的beware of多作“当心小人”、“注意”之意。
● alive to常作表语,后接名词或从句。如:He is alive to his own interests.(他关心自己的利益。)She was warned to be alive to the danger.(有人警告她注意危险。)Are you alive to what is going on?(你觉察到发生了什么事吗?)He is fully alive to the dangers of the war.(他完全明白这场战争的危险。)
● awake to意义与alive to差不多,这时awake to作形容词词组,而awake to也作动介型词组,这时可用awaken代替awake,可及物也可不及物,如:They must be awake to changes in the lifestyle.(他们必须意识到改变生活方式。)I awoke to bright sunlight.(我醒来时发现阳光明媚。)He is now awake to what he has clone.(他现在明白了他做了什么事。)Americans are awaking to the importance of gun control.(美国人开始认识到控制枪支的重要性。)
● aware of也常作表语,其后接名词、ing分词、代词、how或what从句。如:I suddenly became aware of him staring at me.(我突然察觉到他在盯着我看。)He was not aware of what was going on around him.(他对周围发生的事情茫然不知。)I was perfectly aware of this before we married.(结婚前我就完全意识到这个问题了。)They were all aware of her efforts to win the election.(他们全都注意到她为竞选胜利所做的努力。)
● aware of的比较及形式为more aware of,最高的形式是most aware of。
● beware of意为“当心” “小心” “提防” “注意”,是不可分动词词组,多用一般时态,无被动语态形式,常用于祈使句表示命令、警告,多用于句首。如:Beware of pickpockets !(谨防扒手!)Beware of cheap imitation !(小心假冒伪劣商品!)You should beware of repeating the same mistakes.(你应该注意不要重犯同样的错误。)They were warned to beware of falling rocks.(人们提醒他们当心滚石。)
● beware of中的of常被省略。如:Beware (of) the dog!(当心狗!)
● beware之后也可直接跟从句,如:Beware that you do not anger him.(小心别惹恼了他。)