非洲岩画African Rock Art
In the vast African continent,rock art is discovered in over a dozen of countries and regions and is an important component part of the world rock art.According to content,style and painting manner,African rock art falls into two major systems,North African rock art and South African rock art. They are mainly distributed in the Sahara Desert,South Africa,Swaziland, Namibia and Zimbabwe. Because of different times, regions and creating techniques, these rock arts display distinctive features,rich regional flavor and extraordinary artistic appeal.
阿尔及利亚岩画Rock Art in Algeria

Tassili site in Algeria: Tassili is in Tassili n'Ajjer Plateau. Tassili means"Plateau of the Rivers"in Arabic. A great amount of rock arts are distributed here, all of which were created before the desertification of Sahara.

The figure is quite bizarre, who has a bull head and human body. Mushrooms grow on his shoulders and legs.It may be a hallucination or has a symbolic meaning.

The two figures are working.One man takes a stick tool looking at the ground and the other holds bow and arrow.The figures are in appropriate proportion with graceful postures.The scene of people diligently working is presented vividly.

《巨牛和舞女》Giant ox and Dancing women
In the front are several handsome women who are dancing and playing.Behind them is a giant ox. The natural and realistic portrait successfully presents the images of human and animal and fills the work with special flavor.

《奔跑的勇士》Running warrior
The painting shows a running warrior with bow and arrow in his hand. He is of high stature and full of energy and looks back while running quickly. It seems that he is hunting or fighting bravely.The painting presents the feeling of action,nervousness and power.

《妇女和羊群》Women and Sheep
Two women wearing graceful makeup are dancing lightly among a herd of sheep. The painting is lifelike, delicate and graceful,which reflects people's life in early Sahara and the good ecological environment at that time.
利比亚岩画Rock Art in Libya

《站立的猫科动物》Standing feline animals
This is a work of early period in Libya. Two feline animals standing upright seem to be fighting. Felines appear frequently in the Neolithic works in Sahara region.

《舞女》Female dancer
A woman in dress is dancing lightly. The painting expresses a delightful and relaxed feeling. Single dancer is frequently seen in rock paintings, which is usually to please the gods.
南非岩画Rock Art in South Africa

This is a close-up of an adult oryx which has well-rounded strong body.It turns around to look back, probably calling its companions or combing its fur.

A group of strong oryx in various postures are accurately captured in the painting. Rich colors are adopted to present the oryx's body texture.

《巫师治病》Curing the ill
It is a scene of a wizard curing an ill man.The sick one in the middle leans against the wall,in front of whom is the wizard applying his therapy.The man on the left is also a wizard who assists the main wizard. The figures are accurately and vividly portrayed and the painting shows profound,solemn and mysterious color.

《猎象》Hunting elephant
It is a rock painting discovered in Cape Province, South Africa, which depicts the vigorous scene of people besieging an African elephant, with nervous atmosphere and lifelike images.

The Bushmens are short in stat-ure thus the figures in rock paintings are usually deliberately elongated. It may reflect their yearning for tall stature. Two men holding sticks are depicted. According to their posture and head symbols, probably they had conflict with others or are practicing witchcraft.
埃塞俄比亚岩画Rock Art in Ethiopia

《牛群图》Herd of water buffaloes
Pecking and polishing are adopted to depict the images of buffaloes. The carving manners are similar, but the creator smartly used the texture of the rock to present the buffaloes in relief and produce special visual effect.
尼日尔岩画Rock Art in Niger

《牧牛》Grazing cattle
The petroglyph utilizes the surface of a long rock to present the images of cowherd and many cattle arranged from big to small.The cowherd stands besides the herd,quite at ease.Each cattle stands peacefully and looks up to the sunset,seeming to be satisfied.The delicate carving and special composition present a profound artistic feeling.

The some giraffes are carved in a realistic manner. The accurate and delicate depiction of this animal living on the tropical land is the real reflection of the creator's love for life.

The petroglyph presents bizarre human images with big heads and small bodies.They are all in dress and the heads take on a tulip-like shape.It is estimated that the carving was created in 2500 years ago.
津巴布韦岩画Rock Art in Zimbabwe

The most noticeable are the two characters lying on their sides.Possibly because of their high status, the two figures are obviously larger than the rest characters and appear to be at ease. Their dresses and ornaments are also quite special. The small persons around them are estimated to be of low status.Its cultural implication is still to be studied further.
纳米比亚岩画Rock Art in Namibia

《群居生活》Gregarious life
The painting has faded seriously.From the survived part it can be seen that many men and animals of different species are included.It reflects the life of the primitives at the gregarious life period and the intimate relationship between human and animal.

It is from Brandberg Mountain. The man in the painting holds a bow in one hand and a lotus-like thing in the other.He has ornaments on his hair,arms,legs and waist.Quite a few people consider the figure as a"noble lady", but according to scholars later,this is a black prince.
坦桑尼亚岩画Rock Art in Tanzania

《三个行走的人》Three walking men
The painting depicts three walking men. They are deliberately drawn as long and slim figure with very big head, which produces a mysterious atmosphere.
马里岩画Rock Art in Mali

《人面像与符号》Human faces and Symbols
The cliff is covered with dense human faces and symbols,which forms a grand spectacle.It is the sacred place for holding circumcision of an ancient local tribe.The masks on the cliff represent the people who receive the circumcision asking for pardon from gods.
乍得岩画Rock Art in Chad

《文身的胖女人》Plump women with tattoo
The seven women in the painting have plump body and graceful posture. The creator tattooed them with compact lines which make them more enchanting and lovely. It is a decorative artwork full of the creator's delicate idea.