第91章 The Ape Gigans(1)
IT is difficult for me to determine what was the real time,but Ishould suppose,by after calculation,that it must have been ten at night.
I lay in a stupor,a half dream,during which I saw visions of astounding character.Monsters of the deep were side by side with the mighty elephantine shepherd.Gigantic fish and animals seemed to form strange conjunctions.
The raft took a sudden turn,whirled round,entered another tunnel-this time illumined in a most singular manner.The roof was formed of porous stalactite,through which a moonlit vapor appeared to pass,casting its brilliant light upon our gaunt and haggard figures.The light increased as we advanced,while the roof ascended;until at last,we were once more in a kind of water cavern,the lofty dome of which disappeared in a luminous cloud!
A rugged cavern of small extent appeared to offer a halting place to our weary bodies.
My uncle and the guide moved as men in a dream.I was afraid to waken them,knowing the danger of such a sudden start.I seated myself beside them to watch.
As I did so,I became aware of something moving in the distance,which at once fascinated my eyes.It was floating,apparently,upon the surface of the water,advancing by means of what at first appeared paddles.I looked with glaring eyes.One glance told me that it was something monstrous.
But what?
It was the great "shark-crocodile"of the early writers on geology.About the size of an ordinary whale,with hideous jaws and two gigantic eyes,it advanced.Its eyes fixed on me with terrible sternness.Some indefinite warning told me that it had marked me for its own.
I attempted to rise-to escape,no matter where,but my knees shook under me;my limbs trembled violently;I almost lost my senses.And still the mighty monster advanced.My uncle and the guide made no effort to save themselves.
With a strange noise,like none other I had ever heard,the beast came on.His jaws were at least seven feet apart,and his distended mouth looked large enough to have swallowed a boatful of men.
We were about ten feet distant when I discovered that much as his body resembled that of a crocodile,his mouth was wholly that of a shark.
His twofold nature now became apparent.To snatch us up at a mouthful it was necessary for him to turn on his back,which motion necessarily caused his legs to kick up helplessly in the air.
I actually laughed even in the very jaws of death!
But next minute,with a wild cry,I darted away into the interior of the cave,leaving my unhappy comrades to their fate!This cavern was deep and dreary.After about a hundred yards,I paused and looked around.
The whole floor,composed of sand and malachite,was strewn with bones,freshly gnawed bones of reptiles and fish,with a mixture of mammalia.My very soul grew sick as my body shuddered with horror.Ihad truly,according to the old proverb,fallen out of the frying pan into the fire.Some beast larger and more ferocious even than the shark-crocodile inhabited this den.
What could I do?The mouth of the cave was guarded by one ferocious monster,the interior was inhabited by something too hideous to contemplate.Flight was impossible!
Only one resource remained,and that was to find some small hiding place to which the fearful denizens of the cavern could not penetrate.
I gazed wildly around,and at last discovered a fissure in the rock,to which I rushed in the hope of recovering my scattered senses.
Crouching down,I waited shivering as in an ague fit.No man is brave in presence of an earthquake,or a bursting boiler,or an exploding torpedo.I could not be expected to feel much courage in presence of the fearful fate that appeared to await me.
An hour passed.I heard all the time a strange rumbling outside the cave.
What was the fate of my unhappy companions?It was impossible for me to pause to inquire.My own wretched existence was all I could think of.
Suddenly a groaning,as of fifty bears in a fight,fell upon my ears-hisses,spitting,moaning,hideous to hear-and then I saw-Never,were ages to pass over my head,shall I forget the horrible apparition.
It was the Ape Gigans!
Fourteen feet high,covered with coarse hair,of a blackish brown,the hair on the arms,from the shoulder to the elbow joints,pointing downwards,while that from the wrist to the elbow pointed upwards,it advanced.Its arms were as long as its body,while its legs were prodigious.It had thick,long,and sharply pointed teeth-like a mammoth saw.
It struck its breast as it came on smelling and sniffing,reminding me of the stories we read in our early childhood of giants who ate the Flesh of men and little boys!
Suddenly it stopped.My heart beat wildly,for I was conscious that,somehow or other,the fearful monster had smelled me out and was peering about with his hideous eyes to try and discover my whereabouts.
My reading,which as a rule is a blessing,but which on this occasion,seemed momentarily to prove a curse,told me the real truth.
It was the Ape Gigans,the antediluvian gorilla.
Yes!This awful monster,confined by good fortune to the interior of the earth,was the progenitor of the hideous monster of Africa.
He glared wildly about,seeking something-doubtless myself.Igave myself up for lost.No hope of safety or escape seemed to remain.
At this moment,just as my eyes appeared to close in death,there came a strange noise from the entrance of the cave;and turning,the gorilla evidently recognized some enemy more worthy his prodigious size and strength.It was the huge shark-crocodile,which perhaps having disposed of my friends,was coming in search of further prey.
The gorilla placed himself on the defensive,and clutching a bone some seven or eight feet in length,a perfect club,aimed a deadly blow at the hideous beast,which reared upwards and fell with all its weight upon its adversary.