第139章 VI.
Wrathful at such arraignment foul, Dark lowered the clansman's sable scowl.
A space he paused, then sternly said, 'And heardst thou why he drew his blade?
Heardst thou that shameful word and blow Brought Roderick's vengeance on his foe?
What recked the Chieftain if he stood On Highland heath or Holy-Rood?
He rights such wrong where it is given, If it were in the court of heaven.'
'Still was it outrage;--yet, 'tis true, Not then claimed sovereignty his due;While Albany with feeble hand Held borrowed truncheon of command, The young King, mewed in Stirling tower, Was stranger to respect and power.
But then, thy Chieftain's robber life!--
Winning mean prey by causeless strife, Wrenching from ruined Lowland swain His herds and harvest reared in vain,--Methinks a soul like shine should scorn The spoils from such foul foray borne.'