I was mute with horror and unable to move.
The voracious creature shot towards the I ndian,who threw himself on one side to avoid the shark's fins;but not its tail,for it struck his chest and stretched him on the ground.
This scene lasted but a few seconds:the shark returned,and,turning on his back,prepared himself for cutting the I ndian in two,when I saw Captain Nemo rise suddenly,and then,dagger in hand,walk straight to the monster,ready to fight face to face with him.
The very moment the shark was going to snap the unhappy fisherman in two,he perceived his new adversary,and,turning over,made straight towards him.
I can still see Captain Nemo's position.Holding himself well together,he waited for the shark with admirable coolness;and,when it rushed at him,threw himself on one side with wonderful quickness,avoiding the shock,and burying his dagger deep into its side.But it was not all over.
Aterrible combat ensued.
The shark had seemed to roar,if I might say so.The blood rushed in torrents from its wound.The sea was dyed red,and through the opaque liquid I could distinguish nothing more.
Nothing more until the moment when,like lightning,I saw the undaunted Captain hanging on to one of the creature's fins,struggling,as it were,hand to hand with the monster,and dealing successive blows at his enemy,yet still unable to give a decisive one.
The shark's struggles agitated the water with such fury that the rocking threatened to upset me.
I wanted to go to the Captain's assistance,but,nailed to the spot with horror,I could not stir.
I saw the haggard eye;I saw the different phases of the fight.
The Captain fell to the earth,upset by the enormous mass which leant upon him.The shark's jaws opened wide,like a pair of factory shears,and it would have been all over with the Captain;but,quick as thought,harpoon in hand,Ned Land rushed towards the shark and struck it with its sharp point.
The waves were impregnated with a mass of blood.They rocked under the shark's movements,which beat them with indescribable fury.
Ned Land had not missed his aim.I t was the monster's death-rattle.
Struck to the heart,it struggled in dreadful convulsions,the shock of which overthrew Conseil.
But Ned Land had disentangled the Captain,who,getting up without any wound,went straight to the I ndian,quickly cut the cord which held him to his stone,took him in his arms,and,with a sharp blow of his heel,mounted to the surface.
We all three followed in a few seconds,saved by a miracle,and reached the fisherman's boat.
Captain Nemo's first care was to recall the unfortunate man to life again.I did not think he could succeed.
I hoped so,for the poor creature's immersion was not long;but the blow from the shark's tail might have been his death-blow.
Happily,with the Captain's and Conseil's sharp friction,I saw consciousness return by degrees.He opened his eyes.
What was his surprise,his terror even,at seeing four great copper heads leaning over him!And,above all,what must he have thought when Captain Nemo,drawing from the pocket of his dress a bag of pearls,placed it in his hand!
This munificent charity from the man of the waters to the poor Cingalese was accepted with a trembling hand.His wondering eyes showed that he knew not to what super-human beings he owed both fortune and life.
At a sign from the Captain we regained the bank,and,following the road already traversed,came in about half an hour to the anchor which held the canoe of the Nautilus to the earth.
Once on board,we each,with the help of the sailors,got rid of the heavy copper helmet.
Captain Nemo's first word was to the Canadian.
"Thank you,Master Land,"said he.
"It was in revenge,Captain,"replied Ned Land.
"I owed you that."
Aghastly smile passed across the Captain's lips,and that was all.
"To the Nautilus,"said he.
The boat flew over the waves.Some minutes after we met the shark's dead body floating.By the black marking of the extremity of its fins,I recognised the terrible melanopteron of the I ndian Seas,of the species of shark so properly called.I t was more than twenty-five feet long;its enormous mouth occupied one-third of its body.I t was an adult,as was known by its six rows of teeth placed in an isosceles triangle in the upper jaw.
Whilst I was contemplating this inert mass,a dozen of these voracious beasts appeared round the boat;and,without noticing us,threw themselves upon the dead body and fought with one another for the pieces.
At half-past eight we were again on board the Nautilus.
There I reflected on the incidents which had taken place in our excursion to the Manaar Bank.
Two conclusions I must inevitably draw from it--one bearing upon the unparalleled courage of Captain Nemo,the other upon his devotion to a human being,a representative of that race from which he fled beneath the sea.Whatever he might say,this strange man had not yet succeeded in entirely crushing his heart.
When I made this observation to him,he answered in a slightly moved tone:
"That I ndian,sir,is an inhabitant of an oppressed country;and I am still,and shall be,to my last breath,one of them!"