'How is it between you and her?' That was the question which the Duke put to his son as soon as he had closed the door of the study. Lady Mabel had been dismissed from the front door on her journey, and there could be no doubt as to the 'her' intended. No such question would have been asked had not Silverbridge himself declared to his father his purpose of making Lady Mabel his wife.
On that subject the Duke, without such authority, would not have interfered. But he had been consulted, had acceded, and had encouraged the idea by excessive liberality on his part. He had never dropped it out of his mind for a moment. But when he found that the girl was leaving his house without any explanation, then he became restless and inquisitive.
They say that perfect love casteth out fear. If it be so the love of children to their parents is seldom altogether perfect,--and perhaps had better not be quite perfect. With this young man it was not that he feared anything which his father could do to him, that he believed that in consequence of his declaration which he had to make his comforts and pleasures would be curtailed, or his independence diminished. But he feared that he would make his father unhappy, and he was conscious that he had so often sinned in that way. He had stumbled so frequently! Though in action he would so often be thoughtless,--yet he understood perfectly the effect which had been produced on his father's mind by his conduct. He had it at heart 'to be good to the governor', to gratify that most loving of all possible friends, who, as he well knew, was always thinking of his welfare. And yet he never had been 'good to the governor';--nor had Gerald;--and to all this was added his sister's determined perversity. It was thus he feared his father.
He paused for a moment, while the Duke stood with his back to the fire looking at him. 'I'm afraid that it is all over, sir,' he said.
'All over!'
'I am afraid so, sir.'
'Why is it all over? Has she refused you?'
'Well, sir;--it isn't quite that.' Then he paused again. It was so difficult to begin about Isabel Boncassen.
'I am sorry for that,' said the Duke, almost hesitating; 'very sorry. You will understand, I hope, that I should make no inquiry into the matter, unless I felt myself warranted in doing so by what you had yourself told me in London.'
'I understand all that.'
'I have been very anxious about it, and have even gone so far as to make some preparations for what I had hoped would be your early marriage.'
'Preparations!' exclaimed Silverbridge, thinking of church bells, bride cake, and wedding presents.
'As to the property. I am anxious that you should enjoy all the settled independence which can belong to an English gentleman. I never plough or sow. I know no more of sheep and bulls than of the extinct animals of earlier ages. I would not have it so with you.
I would fain see you surrounded by those things which ought to interest a nobleman in this country. Why is it all over with Lady Mabel Grex?'
The young man looked imploringly at his father, as though earnestly begging that nothing more might be said about Mabel. 'I had changed my mind before I found out that she was really in love with me!' He could not say that. He could not hint that he might still have Mabel if he would. The only thing for him was to tell everything about Isabel Boncassen. He felt that in doing this he must begin with himself. 'I have rather changed my mind, sir,' he said, 'since we were walking together in London that night.'
'Have you quarrelled with Lady Mabel?'
'Oh dear no. I am very fond of Mabel;--only not just like that.'
'Not just like what?'
'I had better tell the whole truth at once.'
'Certainly tell the truth, Silverbridge. I cannot say that you are bound in duty to tell the whole truth even to your father in such a matter.'
'But I mean to tell you everything. Mabel did not seem to care for me much--in London. And then I saw someone,--someone I liked better.' Then he stopped, but as the Duke did not ask any questions he plunged on. 'It was Miss Boncassen.'
'Miss Boncassen!'
'Yes sir,' said Silverbridge, with a little access of decision.
'The American young lady?'
'Yes sir.'
'Do you know anything of her family?'
'I think I know all about her family. It is not much in the way of--family.'
'You have not spoken to her about it?'
'Yes sir;--I have settled it all with her, on condition--'
'Settled it with her that she is to be your wife.'
'Yes, sir,--on condition that you will approve.'
'Did you go to her, Silverbridge, with such a stipulation as that?'
'It was not like that.'
'How was it then?'
'She stipulated. She will marry me if you consent.'
'It was she then who thought of my wishes and feeling;--not you?'
'I knew that I loved her. What is a man to do when he feels like that? Of course I meant to tell you.' The Duke was looking very black. 'I thought you liked her, sir.'
'Liked her! I did like her. I do like her. What has that to do with it? Do you think I like none but those with whom I should think it fitting to ally myself in marriage? Is there to be no duty in such matters, no restraint, no feeling of what is due to your own name, and to others who bear it? The lad who is out there sweeping the walks can marry the first girl that pleases his eye if she will take him. Perhaps his lot is the happier because he owns such liberty. Have you the same freedom?'
'I suppose I have,--by law.'
'Do you recognise no duty but what the law imposes upon you?
Should you be disposed to eat in drink in bestial excess, because the laws would not hinder you? Should you lie and sleep all the day, the law would say nothing! Should you neglect every duty which your position imposes on you, the law could not interfere!
To such a one as you the law can be no guide. You should so live as not to come near the law,--or to have the law come near to you.