第1章 逗比朋友(1)
1 I Have the Key
Jesse called after his friend Edwin,"Hey,Edwin! Someone has stolen your treasure box."
Edwin smiled and said,"Don’t worry,John.I have the key."
2 That’s What I Want to Find Out
"We have got a new dog,would you like to come around and play with him?"
"Well,I don’t know.Does he bite?"
"That’s what I want to find out."
3 My Dog Can’t Read
Mrs.Jack: Oh,my dear,I have lost my precious little dog!
Mrs.Smith: But you must put an advertisement in the papers!
Mrs.Jack: It’s no use,my little dog can’t read.
4 Two Friends
"Sandy,please wait a minute! I wouldn’t say this to you,but now I can’t help it.You borrowed my umbrella three days ago,and haven’t returned it yet."
"Oh,Jenny,I had no choice because it has been raining since then,you know."
5 Who Is this Speaking
Mr.Marcus was in the hospital for a long time.
One night the phone rang at the nurses’station.
"How is Mr.Marcus?"the caller asked.
"He’s doing very well.In fact,he’s being discharged tomorrow.Who is this speaking?"
"This is Mr.Marcus-the doctors don’t tell me a thing."
6 Go Swimming
An American touring in the Sahara was dressed in a bathing suit.An Arabian gazed at him in amazement.
"I’m going swimming."the tourist explained.
"But the ocean is five hundred miles away."the Arab informed him.
"Five hundred miles!"the American exclaimed with a huge smile."Boy,what a beach!"
7 What Do You Call Your Other Arm
I went to a restaurant one day recently wearing a shirt with the designer’s signature on the right sleeve.
As I stood in line to wait for a table,an elderly gentleman tapped me on the shoulder.Pointing to the label,he said,"Nice name."Then,in a curious tone,he asked,"What do you call your other arm?"
8 Tell the Difference
I stopped by a friend’s house the other day and found him stalking around with a flyswatter.
When I asked if he had gotten any flies,he answered,"Yeah,three males and two females."
Curious,I inquired as to how he could tell the difference.
He answered,"Three were on a beer can and two were on the phone."
9 A Big Tiger
"Last week,"Tom said to his friend Kenneth,"I went for a walk in a large park.The day was very cold,and the wind was blowing.Suddenly I saw a big tiger."
"What did you do?"asked Kenneth.
"I looked at him,put my hands into my pockets and went home."answered Tom.
"Did it run after you?"asked Kenneth.
"Oh,no,it didn’t.You see,it was in the coop."
10 Choice Questions
My husband took two Graduate Record Exams on the same day and came home exhausted from hours of answering multiple choice questions.He collapsed on the sofa.
His wife came to inform him that dinner was ready and asked if he would prefer water,lemonade or milk with his meal.
He paused for a moment and then replied,"I’ll take C,the milk."
11 I Don’t Know
Blake: My wife doesn’t understand me,does yours?
John: I don’t know.I’ve never heard her even mention your name.
12 Little Room
Billy checked into a hotel.But his wrath rose almost as soon as he left the desk."I may be looked upon as a simple Irish lad from bogs,"he roared to the porter who was carrying his bags,"but I’m not paying good money for a room no bigger than a cupboard with nothing but a little folding chair in it?"
"Please go in,sir."said the porter,"That’s a lift."
13 A Tip to Stay Awake
Tech support people like me spend our days on the phone with customers.Many like to chat while waiting for their computers to reboot.One man told me he’d been a long‐haul truck driver."I’d love to drive a big rig,"I said,"but I’d worry about falling asleep at the wheel.""Here’s a tip to stay awake."he offered,"Put a $100 bill in your left hand and hold it out of the window."
14 The Umbrella
A gentleman staying in a hotel left his umbrella in the hall,but he had put on the handle a card on which was written,"This umbrella belongs to a gentleman who can lift up a hundred pounds.I shall be back in ten minutes."When he came back,he found,instead of his umbrella,another card on which was written,"This card belongs to a man who can run ten miles an hour.I shall not come back."
15 Good Points and Bad Points
"This house,"said the real estate salesman,"has both its good points and bad points.To show you I’m honest,I’m going to tell you about the disadvantage-there is a chemical plant one block south and a slaughterhouse one block north."
"What are the advantages?"inquired the prospective buyer.