第6章 神级回复(2)
15 A Rule
Mark Twain once went to borrow a certain book from a neighbor."May I borrow a book from you?"he asked politely.
"Yes,you’re more than welcome to it,"the neighbor told him,"But I must ask you to read it here.You know I make a rule never to let any book go out of my library."
Some days later,the neighbor wished to borrow Twain’s mower."Why,certainly."Twain told him,"You’re more than welcome to it.But I must ask you to use it here.You know that I make it a rule never to let it go out of my garden."
16 On The Beach
One day ,Tom was sunbathing naked at the beach.For the sake of civility,and to keep it from getting sunburned,he had a hat over his privates.
A woman walks past and says,"If you were a gentleman you'd lift your hat."
Tom raised an eyebrow and replied,"If you are a beauty it would lift itself."
17 You Must Be an Expert
Little Bill was playing with his father’s wallet when he accidentally swallowed a coin.He went crying to his mom.
The parents took the boy to a doctor,who said that the coin was impossible to remove without surgery.
They consulted a specialist who was of the same opinion.Then came a man who said he could get the money out in a jiffy.
He turned little Bill upside down and patted him with great precision on the back of neck and,sure enough,the coin rolled out.
Everyone was amazed.The father said,"You must be an expert!"The man replied,"No sir.I’m just a tax collector."
18 Bicycle
Bella is buying some things at hardware store.The storekeeper has many bicycles in the store and wants to sell one to Bella.He says,"Look here,Bella.I have some very good bicycles to sell.I can sell you a first‐class bicycle and you can ride around your farm on it every day."
"Oh,no,"says Bella,"I don’t want a bicycle.I think a cow is more in my style,and the price is the same."
"But just think,"says the storekeeper,"can you ride around a town on a cow?That’s foolish."
"Oh,I don’t know,"says Bella with a smile,"which is more foolish,to ride on a cow or to milk a bicycle."
19 Hogarth
One day,Hogarth was asked to paint a picture of Pharaoh crossing the Red Sea.A little while after the picture had been commenced,a hitch arose over the fee,and Hogarth found that he would have to complete the commission for about half the sum he expected.When the work was completed,the patron was asked to come and inspect it.As a matter of fact,the picture was just one daub of brilliant red.
"What’s this?"exclaimed the purchaser,"I asked for the Red Sea,on the occasion of the celebrated passage."
"That’s it."replied Hogarth.
"But,where are the Israelites?"
"They are all gone over."
"Where are the Egyptians?"
"They’re all drowned."
20 A Wise Man’s Advice
The boss of an old American Company was a well‐known miser.One day he went to a business consultant’s office and said to the consultant:
"It will be the 50th anniversary of my company next Sunday.I’ll pay you 10 dollars if you could tell me how to make the anniversary celebration most spectacular without paying a cent,with the result that my employees will be happy."
"That’s simple."said the consultant,"All you have to do is to take this 10‐dollar note back,buy a rope with it,and hang yourself with the rope at the celebration.It will be the most spectacular celebration in American history,and you’ll make all your employees most happy without paying a cent."
21 Ask for a Job with the Circus
A young man asked for a job with the circus,any job at all,as long as he could be with the circus.The circus manager decided to give the young man a chance to become an assistant lion tamer and took him out to the become cage.
The head lion tamer,a beautiful young woman was just starting her rehearsal.Entering the cage,she removed her cape with a flourish,and standing in a gorgeous costume,she motioned to a lion.Obediently the lion crept toward the young woman and then rolled over twice.
"Well,"said the manager to the young man,"do you think you can learn to do that?"
"I’m sure I could,sir."replied the young man,"But first you’ll have to get that lion out of there."
22 A Heavy Sleeper
The preacher was vexed because a certain member of his congregation always fell a sleep during the sermon.