第4章 青葱象牙塔(1)
1 Questions Before Examination
Professor:Before we begin the examination,are there any questions?
Student:What's the name of this course?
2 History Repeats Itself
One student in my world‐history class asked our professor,"Is it true that history repeats itself?"
"Indeed,sir."came the reply,"Particularly if you flunk it."
3 What Is Courage
The philosophy final exam had many blank pages for the answer to one question,"What is courage?"
Most of us gave examples and expounded theories.But one of my classmates turned in his essay with just two words on it-"THIS IS."
He got an A.
4 0ur Tails
The lecturer on evolution had been going on for nearly three hours,then he started again,and said ,"Let me ask the evolutionist a question-if we had tails like a baboon,where are they?"
"I'll venture an answer."said a girl."We have worn them off sitting here so long."
5 The Proof
When my classmate was a teacher's assistant for a philosophy course,the professor instructed the students to write a short answer to the question,"What proof do you have of your existence?"
As my roommate read through the responses,she found this one,"I pay tuition;therefore I am."
6 Humorous Teacher
One of my favorite teachers at university was known for his droll sense of humor.
Explaining his basic rules to one freshman class.he said,"I know my lectures can often be dry and boring,so I don't mind if you look at your watches during the class.I do,however,object to your pounding them on the desk to make sure they're still running."
7 The Absent‐minded Professor
An absent‐minded professor was lecturing on anatomy.
"To show you more clearly what I mean,I have here a parcel with a dissected pigeon.I want you to examine it very carefully."
The professor unwrapped the parcel and saw that it contained two sandwiches and a hardboiled egg.Astonished,the professor said,"I was sure I had eaten my lunch,but where is the Pigeon?"
8 Open‐book Exam
On the day of our final exam,we heard that the bookstore had changed its policy and would buy back our political textbooks.Before class,several of us dashed over to the store and sold our books.
We were seated in the class and waiting for the test when our professor announced that,considering the difficulty of the final,it would be an open‐book exam.
9 College Girl
Heading off to college at the age of 30,I was a bit self‐conscious about my advancing years.One morning I complained to my husband that I was the oldest student in my class.
"Even the teacher is younger than I am,"I said.
"Yeah,but look at it from my point of view,"he said optimistically,"I thought my days of fooling around with college girls were over."
10 Preparing for the Final Examination
The professor was delivering the final lecture of the term.He dwelt with much emphasis on the fact each student should devote all the intervening time preparing for the final examinations."The examination papers are now in the hands of the printer.Are there any questions to be asked?"
There was a silence.Jack asked,"Who is the printer?"
11 Learning for Practice
"What's the usual tip?"the man growled when a college boy delivered his pizza.
"Well,"the student replied,"this is my first delivery,but the other guys said that if I got three dollars,I'd be doing great."
"Is that so?"grunted the man,"In that case,here's six dollars."
"Thanks,"the student said,"I'll put it in my college fund."
"By the way,what are you studying?"
"Applied Psychology."
12 A Dollar per Point
A professor was giving a big test one day to his students.He handed out all of the papers and went back to his desk to wait.As soon as the test was over,the students all handed the papers back in.The professor noticed that one of the students had attached a $100 bill to his paper with a note saying"A dollar per point."
The next class the professor handed the marked papers back out.This student got back his test and $58 change.
13 Gravity
Our marketing class at Florida Atlantic University was discussing an elevator company that sold its products world‐wide.
The professor had listed on the blackboard some forces influencing the company's operations,including political climate,currency restrictions and import quotas.When he asked if anyone could name other forces that would have an impact on an international elevator company,a voice from the back called out,"Gravity."